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Creativity Unleashed: Why Business Leaders Must Embrace The Power Of Curiosity

Forbes 2 days ago

Duncan Wardle, former vice president at The Walt Disney Company, runs creative consulting company iD8 & innov8 to embed innovative cultures.

When you ask people who the most creative individuals are, the answer is almost always "kids." Children are naturally imaginative, playful, honest and, most importantly, curious. They incessantly ask questions to understand the world around them. This relentless curiosity is a powerful tool for creativity and innovation, one that we lose as we grow older.

Unfortunately, the traditional education system plays a significant role in this loss of curiosity and, in turn, creativity. From an early age, children are taught to color within the lines and to stop asking "why" because there's supposedly only one correct answer. This approach stifles the very skills that make us human — imagination, curiosity, empathy, and creativity. These are also the hardest to program into artificial intelligence, which is used in almost all business processes, from customer service and inventory management to content production.

For business leaders navigating this landscape, fostering curiosity isn't just a nice to have; it's essential for creativity, innovation and organizational success. Reigniting that childlike curiosity and creativity can unlock profound insights and lead to groundbreaking solutions. These strategies can help you embrace a creative mindset for better business outcomes:

1. Embrace the power of 'why?'

As mentioned, children are so creative because they always ask "why." But they're not simply seeking answers; they're digging for the core truth, the insight that often lies several layers deep. For business leaders, adopting this strategy can uncover profound insights and drive innovation.

When you interview someone or analyze a situation, don't stop at the first answer. Keep asking "why" to peel back the layers.

For example, in a study where we asked 5,000 visitors why they went to Walt Disney World, the initial response was "for the new attractions." If we had stopped there, we would have invested $250 million in new rides. But by continuing to ask "why," we discovered that visitors cherished the classic attractions due to personal memories and nostalgia. That's the insight for innovation, and it usually doesn't come up until the fifth "why." By continuing to dig into respondents' answers, we developed a communication campaign focused on creating lasting memories rather than promoting new rides.

By asking open-ended questions, you can transform a product-centric or data-centric organization into a genuinely consumer-centric one. This approach ensures that you're addressing your customers' real needs and desires.

For instance, instead of investing heavily in new features or products based solely on surface-level data, dig deeper to understand the emotional drivers behind customer behaviors. Digging deeper could even lead to more effective marketing campaigns, better product development, and, ultimately, greater customer satisfaction and loyalty.

2. Engage directly with consumers.

To truly understand your customers, immerse yourself in their world. Direct engagement provides invaluable insights that data alone cannot reveal. You can't be curious in a room with no windows or doors. By observing and interacting with consumers in their own environments, you can uncover the nuances of their behaviors, preferences and emotional triggers.

For instance, when trying to understand why the Hispanic market wasn't visiting Disney World despite fitting the ideal demographic profile, we adopted a unique approach. We met with three different types of people on their own turf. One was a Mexican-American car dealer, the other was a travel agent and the third was a consumer.

Through their professions and their everyday lives, these three people offered major clues about what was important to Hispanic consumers: the presence of family was crucial for any event to feel complete. Essentially, "The more, the merrier!" This foundation led us to create a new set of services in our parks division that allowed people to gather en masse, driving record sales. By looking in new and different places, you may find insights for innovation that data alone cannot provide.

3. Challenge assumptions and think viscerally.

To ensure your business strategies are truly creative and aligned with consumer needs, it's crucial to challenge initial assumptions and engage in visceral thinking. Start by questioning your preconceived notions and exploring ideas that might initially seem out of scope.

One effective method is an exercise I call "scope," where team members write down ideas they think are wildly out of scope and then discuss why. Here's how it works:

1. Lay out a rope on the floor.

2. Gather your team and provide people with two Post-it notes.

3. Ask them to write down one idea they think is wildly out of scope for the project and one idea they think is in scope.

4. Have a senior stakeholder read each idea aloud and physically place it inside or outside the rope.

5. Discuss why each idea was placed where it was, focusing on the rationale behind these decisions.

Ultimately, the physical manifestation of putting an idea on either side of the rope helps uncover deeper insights and a thorough understanding of what's actually possible versus what's out of scope.

During a project aimed at engaging a new market for Disney, our data initially suggested focusing on promotions. However, by challenging the team's assumptions with Scope, we realized the need to ensure our products and services were relevant to those consumers before promoting them. This finding led to a significant increase in engagement.

By embracing curiosity, engaging directly with consumers, and challenging assumptions, business leaders can foster a culture of continuous creativity. These strategies drive growth while creating lasting, meaningful experiences for customers. So, get out of your normal environment, ask questions, and invigorate your business with fresh insights and ideas.

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