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Nigeria! Claims: Tribunal Judges Were Offered Bribes to Give Judgement on 2023 Election. Fact Check.

abilitydigitalz.com.ng 2 days ago
A Facebook post attributed a controversial statement to Justice Monica Bolna’an Dongban-Mensem, the president of the court of appeal. The post reads: “Just In: I oversees (sic) the worst Presidential election petition since the history of Nigeria, the money offered to us, was what no judge can overlook, Tinubu failed woefully – Justice Monica Dongban-Mensem purportedly express regret.” The claim can also be found here, and here. But is it true that after the appeal court president said the 2023 presidential election tribunal was offered bribes? A fact-checking platform, Africa Check, investigated. Following its scrutiny, the fact-checking platform ruled that there is no evidence that Justice Dongban-Mensem made the statement attributed to her. In a statement released by Danladi Ceceko, the spokesperson for the group, the coalition affirmed that the election outcomes, culminating in the triumph of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu of the All-Progressives Congress (APC), mirrored the desires of the Nigerian populace.

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