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Kromah Exonerated Amid Allegations & Leadership Clashes at LDEA?

analystliberiaonline.com 4 days ago

By Julius T. Jaesen, II

MONROVIA – The Analyst was gathered that Col. Abraham Kromah, Director General of the Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency (LDEA), has been announced not guilty following an extensive investigation conducted by the Ministry of Justice.

The enquiry prompted by allegations from his two deputies, Deputy Director for Operations Hassan Fadiga and Deputy Director for Administration Gbawou Kowo, aimed to address concerns about alleged misconduct within the agency.

However, from unimpeachable sources, The Analyst learned that the investigation found Fadiga and Kowo failing to substantiate their claims with concrete evidence.

The accusations, which initially caused significant upheaval within the LDEA and attracted public attention, included allegations of corruption, abuse of power, tribalism, colluding with drug dealers, and other forms of misconduct.

As these claims were brought up into the public glare, the Ministry of Justice promptly initiated a thorough investigation to maintain the integrity of the agency and uphold justice.

Over the past weeks, investigators have meticulously reviewed documents, interviewed key personnel, and scrutinized the operational records of the LDEA.

Despite the gravity of the accusations, reliable sources hinted that the investigation concluded that there was no substantive evidence to support the claims made by Fadiga and Kowo.

Their failure to provide tangible proof has not only discredited their accusations but also raised questions about the motivations behind their actions, said a source that briefed The Analyst on the matter.

The findings of the investigation will be a relief for many within the agency and the wider public, who have been following the developments with keen interest.

An investigator who does not want to be name said Colonel Kromah maintained his innocence throughout the process and displayed hard evidence of the embedded motives of his deputies, the source further said, adding that the Ministry of Justice’s report will not only clear the name of Col. Abraham Kromah but also will highlight the baseless nature of the accusations against him.

As the dust begins to settle on the investigation into allegations against Colonel Abraham Kromah, speculation is mounting that the investigative committee is poised to vindicate the embattled LDEA Director General, according to sources privy to the investigation.

They also said investigation suggests that the committee is likely to recommend to President Joseph Nyuma Boakai that Colonel Kromah be reinstated to his position, given the lack of evidence supporting the accusations made by his deputies.

According to them, the inability of Deputy Director for Operations Hassan Fadiga and Deputy Director for Administration Gbawou Kowo to substantiate their claims has not only exonerated Kromah but has also cast doubt on their credibility and intentions.

Some sources noted that the swift and decisive investigation conducted by the Ministry of Justice underscores the administration’s commitment to transparency and justice.

Colonel Kromah’s tenure at the LDEA has been marked by significant strides in combating drug trafficking and enforcing drug laws in Liberia. His leadership has been credited with several high-profile drug busts and a renewed focus on inter-agency collaboration.

With the committee’s expected recommendation, many within the LDEA and beyond are hopeful that Kromah’s reinstatement will bring stability and continuity to the agency’s critical work.

Political analysts speculate that President Boakai, known for his commitment to good governance and anti-corruption, will likely act on the committee’s recommendation this week by reinstating Col. Kromah and dismissing perpetually his two deputies as others are suggesting.

The anticipated reinstatement of Colonel Kromah would signal a reaffirmation of trust in his leadership and a dismissal of the unfounded allegations that sought to tarnish his reputation.

Colonel Abraham Kromah’s career has been marked by exemplary service and an unwavering commitment to duty, making him a pivotal figure in Liberia’s fight against illicit drug trafficking. His tenure as Director General of the Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency (LDEA) has been characterized by strategic initiatives, effective enforcement actions, and a relentless pursuit of justice.

A fan of Colonel Kromah divulged that wherever the Colonel has served, he left an indelible record of high performance and dedication.

“His leadership at the LDEA has been no exception,” she said. “Under his guidance, the agency has achieved notable successes in disrupting drug trafficking networks, seizing significant quantities of illicit substances, and bringing perpetrators to justice. His strategic approach has also fostered improved cooperation with international partners, enhancing Liberia’s capacity to address the global challenge of drug trafficking.”

Some observers say President Joseph Nyuma Boakai’s decision to appoint Colonel Kromah to head the LDEA was no mistake, recognizing his extensive experience, integrity, and proven track record, for which the President saw in Kromah a leader capable of steering the agency towards greater effectiveness and accountability.

The recent investigation, which failed to substantiate the allegations against him, only reaffirms the wisdom of this choice, the LDEA sources further stated.

“Colonel Kromah’s impact extends beyond operational achievements. He has been instrumental in advocating for policy reforms, raising public awareness about the dangers of drug abuse, and building the capacity of the LDEA to tackle emerging threats,” one said. “His leadership style, characterised by transparency, accountability, and a strong ethical foundation, has earned him respect within the agency and among external stakeholders.”

As Liberia continues to grapple with the challenges posed by drug trafficking, the importance of strong, effective leadership at the LDEA cannot be overstated.

A LDEA staff told The Analyst that Colonel Abraham Kromah has demonstrated time and again that he possesses the qualifications, vision, and dedication required to lead the fight against this pervasive threat. His anticipated reinstatement would not only restore stability within the agency but also reinforce Liberia’s commitment to ending drug trafficking.

The exoneration of Colonel Abraham Kromah following the Ministry of Justice’s investigation, and the expected recommendation for his reinstatement, highlight the resilience of truth and integrity. As Liberia looks to the future, the leadership of individuals like Kromah will be crucial in navigating the complexities of drug enforcement and safeguarding the nation’s well-being.

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