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Arizona Facing $1.5 Billion Deficit Due to Budget Busters

apexlifehub.com 1 day ago

In a recent article by Tim Steller, the spotlight was shone on two major factors contributing to Arizona's current budget deficit. GOP's Flat Tax Impact: The implementation of the GOP's flat tax has been cited as one of the primary reasons behind Arizona's budget crisis. Despite warnings about the potential consequences, the GOP went ahead with the tax reform, leading us from a surplus to a $1.5 billion deficit. ESA Program Expansion: Another significant budget buster identified is the expansion of the ESA program, with a hefty price tag of $864 million. This program, primarily benefiting the wealthy, lacks transparency and accountability, with student account balances reaching $175 million. The repercussions of these decisions are evident in the major cuts to infrastructure, universities, and other essential services, hindering Arizona's ability to thrive. It is crucial for policymakers to address these issues promptly to steer Arizona towards financial stability and responsible budget management.

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