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Christianity in crisis

thepatriot.co.zw 2024/10/5

THE philosophy of a demented race manifests in giving the Creator a name and gender; like God, Goddess or Jehovah; like the name starting with a small letter ‘g’ denoting a small god or goddess. 

The New World Translation version of the Bible says: “But Moses says to the True God, suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them the God of your forefathers has sent me to you; and they say to me: ‘What is his name?’, ‘What should I say to them?’. So God said to Moses: ‘I will become what I choose to become’. And He added: ‘This is what you will say to the Israelites, I Will Become has sent me to you’.” (Exodus 3:13-14)

From the foregoing, who is a True God and a false one? 

The Creator refused to divulge a name and Moses did not see the gender of the Creator, so why give the Creator a name and gender! 

Despite this, the Tambous’ Bible continues to give the Creator different names and describe ‘him’ as male.

This simply means we are being led by blind guides as described in Matthew 15:14. 

How a race of 980 million of purebred and first creation of the Creator is intimidated by religions imposed on them will continue to baffle. 

I was once amongst the 980 million until I realised that the Creator does not tolerate ignorance and after knowledge about Mbuya Nehanda and her manifestations. Ignorance is a voluntary misfortune as the majority amongst us still do not believe that we are the first to be created and, therefore, we have the undiluted image of the Creator. 

All the Tambou races are at sixes and sevens about the Christian Bible because of the way Manetho translated it from our ancient mother tongue. At first I thought Manetho was a traitor, but no more. 

If the Tambous had known the true secrets of our ancestors’ religion we would be worse off than our current situation. A case in point is about a spiritual craft which they decided to identify with witches, because they did not, and still do not, know much about it. 

This craft, if used positively, can change our lot as a race. But because it is now viewed negatively in their corrupted Bible, it has gone underground and has become lethal as well as being counter-productive. (Exodus 22:18)

From the book, Is God In History (1948), by Gerald Beard, I will quote Chapter 10 in the article headlined ‘Christianity’s Crisis’. This book was arguably written for Tambou (white) readers. It praises missionary work for making Christianity a world religion. 

However, Christianity is pagan and is showing its true colours in this so-called 21st Century. 

Gerald Beard says: “Paganism may well be driven underground but it may never be cured for it is not a given faith that can speak to the whole man, racial as well as individual.” 

Judges 21:25 says: “In those days there was no king in Israel. Each one was doing what he thought was right.” 

This scenario is what met Yeshua in ,his time. Although there were religious leaders, Yeshua called them blind guides because they let people do whatever they pleased for a fee. (Luke 12:1-3 and 54-56) 

How Christianity lost its appeal is described thus: “Hence as always happens with an individualistic religion lacking a psychological technic to counter the deep mind violence results. If the deep mind is stronger, psychosis results. If the surface mind is the stronger the individual is calm, but through repression. On the surface he seems assured. But his dogmatism, and persecution of all who differ from him, show his repressed fear. It is of utmost importance today that we should try to understand why Christianity, as the successful religion, has stalled and appears no longer supremely apposite. Our attitude towards our own religion has up to the present oscillated between loyalty that would permit no question, or rejection — either for another religion or materialism.”

Christianity is faltering in the motherland because most of the inhabitants can now access books not included in the Tambous’ corrupted Bible and, therefore, are no more being intimidated by it. Christianity was propelled to greater heights because of cruelty and the gun backing it. The only thing backing it today is foreign currency that is flouted in front of greedy African religious leaders who then agree to do what the Tambous say.

Even though Protestantism has mutated into Prophetism and Pentecostalism, the poor are still singing the blues, with no respite in sight. 

The pastor of a Pentecostal church feeds a live snake to a congregant.

As I have previously written in my many articles, Christianity is the alfa and omega of anti-Creator because it refuses to implement Leviticus 6:1-7. 

The Creator cannot be controlled by human beings, but this is lost to most gullible people. His-Story will always be Christianity’s friend because it created it. 

But this does not solve today’s problems like bills, hunger, homelessness and diseases, among others. Yeshua solved immediate problems (Matthew 14: 13-21 and 15:32-39). 

He healed the poor and rich without demanding money. Yeshua showed that he was moving in the presence of the Creator like Prophet Enoch. Many people do not know that Christianity grew from our ancestors’ corrupted religion called the Egyptian Mysteries which had deviated from the Way of the Creator first practised by Prophet Enoch. 

Prophet Enoch made the earth the heaven it was supposed to be. The Creator does not need to be worshipped but wants to be friend to all, directly involved in all human beings’ welfare in order to make the earth the first heaven it was created to be while the Creator’s abode is the second heaven. 

The Apostles tried to do this in Acts 2: 42-17 and Acts 4:12-37, but Rome sabotaged them. 

When a race usurps what is not theirs and what they usurped had turned them into a world power, their academics and intellectuals had this to say in 1948: “We must, therefore, conclude by putting the final question bluntly: May not the answer to the problem of Christianity’s failure lie in this: Did not these two histories, these two developments come apart? (1) The growing knowledge of what was required (the evolving idea) (2) and the growth of the actual response, the actual emergence of event, character and person, came asunder. Hence myth outran and became divorced from fact. Myth (or dogma or the special devotion out of which dogma crystallises) then became increasingly fancifully, wishful and as a reaction to superstition, fact, historic incident was interpreted purely in human terms, according to materialistic assumptions. Surely, here must lie the real root of Christianity arrest. Has not the great historic religion failed to balance in itself the growth of two histories, the history, the evolution of the idea, and the history, the revolution of the fulfiller, the living out and incarnation of the idea? Can we not see that as this imbalance, this loss of essential degree of history was sustained (and so dogma grew unrestrained). Christianity, as a historical fact, lost its primacy of initiative as the uniting and fulfilling religion?

Before we can answer that question we must first, however, ask, what actually is the evolving idea, the demand, the inherent shaping notion, the mythos, the Promise, the human antelech. 

Lord Raglam, one of the most challenging of British historical anthropologists, has pointed out that the saviour hero has throughout time and over the three great culto-religious areas of Eurasia, developed in all some 22 demand points, character features, fulfilment signs and evidence of authenticity. These are incidents that, in the saga prophesy, must befall him, challenge him as well as his appropriate responses if he is to fulfil the Promise and the Scriptures. 

The main number of these fall into four divisions:

his birth

his ministry and and works (as the Greeks called it his Agon)

his passion (in the Greek Mysteries called his ‘Pathos’ which included his burial) and

his resurrection and ascent into a completely newly manifested life and power — his anagnorisis, his recognition, the new knowledge that he who was known as a man, his seed form, is now the full growth, divine; and as divine, he is united forever with his followers in a trans-individual life which is their redemption through him. He is the hyphen between individual and whole, eternity and time.” 

By exposing this lie, that there are no Greek mysteries, in his book Stolen Legacy, G.M. James died a mysterious death.

The above are writings of a Tambou academic and intellectual (1948) defending the Tambou spiritual stuff and His-Story about creation and humanity stolen from our ancestors. 

Most of our academics and intellectuals are afraid to point out anomalies in Tambous’ His-Story about Creation and their corrupted Bible. This they do because the Tambous do not want reactionary Nahasi academics and intellectuals. Those not labelled reactionaries are rewarded handsomely as they are allowed to teach at Tambous’ universities on special leave called ‘sabbatical’ and are paid handsomely. This leave is also called ‘research leave’  or ETD, meaning ‘Exemption from Teaching Duties’. When they are no more useful to the Tambou game, they are ejected and most then join theologians of their ilk who make the Word more difficult to understand to the common person. A true Nahasi (African Church) must not burden the worshippers: “He said to him a third time: Simon son of John do you have affection for me? Peter became grieved that he asked him a third time: Do you have affection for me? So he said to him, Lord you are aware of all things: You know that I have affection for you. Jesus said feed my sheep.” (John 12:17)  

In these difficult times, the True Nahasi Church should feed the suffering sheep and not burden them. (Acts 2 and 4

Jesus was simply advising Peter to walk in the Way of the Creator where miracles are abundant and stop practising religion. The Way of the Creator eradicates poverty and all negativities in humans. This is attested to by Lord Macaulay’s address to the British Parliament (1835) about our motherland. The Tambou and other religions imposed on us broke the umbilical cord that connected us to the Creator. Capitalism affects the majority and when these are heavily burdened they question the existence of a loving Creator.

Like I said elsewhere in this article, the earth is the first heaven and if religion is only preaching about paradise after death and witchcraft is preaching about heaven on earth, people get confused. The weak go on to join witchcraft, which is also practised in religions. 

Gerald Beard correctly says: “Religion, like politics, is only interested in authority and numbers than in experience and quality. Religion is full of additions that were imposed, intrusions, afterthoughts and misunderstandings of the historical processes. The mass is no more a group rite but something increasingly done for the people by the priest. Men increase dogma as they lose experience. If we could go deep into ourselves on spiritual ‘recollectedness’, we may view the incidents of the past as living elements. There, at that level (and at that only), can we judge what the past was of specific temporal significance (and so was built in, fixed, made basic and to that extent, left below and hidden as is a foundation) and that is still active in us, still to be fulfilled in us not one but flesh.” 

Beard, in his book Is God in History?, wanted to undo the mistakes his race made and with the current blunders his race is making he must be turning in his grave and pleading to manifest.

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