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Dems who demanded the 25th Amendment for Trump swallow their tongues on Biden

bizpacreview.com 2 days ago

Democrats who clamored to have then-President Donald Trump removed from office by invoking the 25th Amendment have remained noticeably silent on using the method on President Joe Biden.

Amid the fallout from Biden’s epic debate failure last week in his face-off against Trump, Democrats have called for him to step aside as the nominee while others have staunchly defended him, insisting Americans ignore their own eyes. But it seems there have not been calls from top Democrats to trigger the 25th Amendment as Republicans have floated the idea.

“Over the past 3 years, it has become painfully clear that our inaugurated President has slipped into a rapid decline,” said Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) on Wednesday.

“As a Christian principled nation, We the People must revere our elders and shelter them from unnecessary struggle and anguish. The 25th Amendment allows America to respond to this moment of crisis by gently removing President Biden from the world’s most powerful elected position. It’s the right thing to do, the Christian thing to do,” he added.

During Trump’s tenure at the White House, top Democrats repeatedly tried to use the section of the 25th Amendment that authorizes members of the president’s cabinet and the vice president to decide if the commander-in-chief can no longer perform his duties. Then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, along with other top Dems sought to manipulate the law to oust Trump.

These same Democrats refused to comment when they were questioned by Fox News about using the same ploy on Biden.

“Fox News Digital reached out to Reps. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.; Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash.; Jamie Raskin, D-Md.; and Maxine Waters, D-Calif., along with Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., who all declined to comment on whether the 25th Amendment should be in play with President Biden as they suggested it should be for former President Trump,” the outlet reported.

Raskin and Pelosi introduced legislation before the 2020 election to engage Congress in the process and create a commission to remove the president if he became “incapacitated.”

“This is not about President Trump,” Pelosi claimed at the time. “He will face the judgment of the voters, but he shows the need for us to create a process for future presidents.”

“Congress has a constitutional duty to lay out the process by which a president’s incapacity and the president of any party is determined. This bill honors the duty by creating a standing commission of top former executive officials and medical experts selected in a bipartisan, bicameral way. A president’s fitness for office must be determined by science and facts. This legislation applies to future presidents, but we are reminded by the necessity of action by the health of the current president,” she added.

Raskin introduced the same bill in 2017, declaring at the time, “Since January, President Trump has thrown our country into chaos at every turn.”

“For the security of our people and the safety of the Republic, we need to set up the ‘body’ called for in the 25th Amendment. The President can fire his entire Cabinet for asking the same question tens of millions of Americans are asking at their dinner tables, but he cannot fire Congress or the expert body we set up under the Constitution,” Raskin said in a 2017 press release.

“At a moment of unprecedented presidential chaos, the Oversight Commission on Presidential Capacity is essential, urgently needed and indispensable,” he added.

Waters declared in October 2020 that it was “long past time” to invoke the 25th Amendment against Trump because of his “erratic and bizarre behavior” and “spreading the virus personally.”

Every Democrat in the House voted on a resolution following the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, calling on Vice President Pence to “declare President Donald J. Trump incapable of executing the duties of his office and to immediately exercise powers as acting President.”

“We are demanding Mike Pence and the Cabinet finally put America first and uphold their constitutional duty to invoke the 25th Amendment, ending Trump’s terror and his total control over the military,” Jayapal said. “Assuming the Vice President continues to put this lawless, dangerous president over the people of this country, the House of Representatives must urgently join my call to once again impeach Donald Trump.”

Schumer, who supported the move, claimed Trump is “dangerous and should not hold office one day longer.”


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