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How long people think it's acceptable to leave a dog in a hot car

glasgowlive.co.uk 1 day ago

Some dog owners also have no idea when it comes to walking dogs on hot pavements, or letting them on artificial grass

Dog left alone in locked car
Dog left alone in locked car

Dogs are being left for up to 20 minutes in hot cars and forced to walk on roasting roads, pavements and fake lawns, an alarming new study reveals. The research by Burns Pet Nutrition lifts the lid on worrying behaviours of some of the nation’s dog owners.

While the majority (67%) of men said they have ‘never’ left their dog in a car for any amount of time during hot weather, a third of those polled admitted they had. Of those who have left a dog in a hot car, the majority said it was for no longer than two minutes, but some admitted to leaving their pet alone for as long as 20 minutes.

Of the 2,000 pet owners polled, seven per cent of men said they had left a dog in a car for five minutes, four per cent said 10 minutes and another four per cent said 20 minutes. Given the 12 million domestic dogs in the UK, these percentages – while relatively low - suggest a concerning number of animals could be left in stifling vehicles this summer.

If the outside temperature is 29C (85F), the heat inside a car will rise sharply to hit 40C (104F) after 10 minutes and 45C (114F) after 20 minutes – temperatures that can cause multi-organ failure or even death in dogs. Women are far less likely to leave a dog in a hot car, with 86% of female owners saying they would ‘never’ do it, and the majority of those that did for no more than one or two minutes.

Beyond hot cars, the study commissioned for the healthy pet food firm, has highlighted other worrying behaviours of pooch parents during hot weather. Four in 10 (43%) owners change their daily routine in hot weather, by either taking fewer walkies, going out earlier or later in the day and only letting the dog out to do its business.

Most UK dog owners – around half (49%) – said they make no change to their walking routine when the weather is hot, and 8% say they take their pooch out more. The majority (85%) of owners do check the temperature of the pavement before going for walkies, with 87% of women and 79% of men checking if it is too hot for their dog’s paws.

In hot weather, pavement temperatures can reach 44C. Road temperatures can get even higher at around 50C, and plastic grass can reach heats of around 49C.

Despite this, only half (50%) of owners check the road before allowing their dog onto it, and just 21% check the temperature of their fake lawn before allowing their pet onto it. The majority (85%) of owners said they could spot signs of heat distress in a dog, 79% of men and 87% of women.

More than a quarter of Gen Z admitted they are unaware of the warning signs of heat distress is a dog. Veterinary and nutrition expert at Burns, Emily Boardman said: “If dogs aren’t looked after in the heat, they can suffer from burnt or blistered paws, heat stroke, multi-organ failure or even death.

“While most owners would never leave their dog in a hot car, an alarming number of men have admitted to doing this. You may think that leaving your dog in the car for a minute or two is no big issue while you pop inside a shop, but we all know how delays and distractions can get in the way – so please, leave your dog at home or plan ahead and make sure you can take them with you rather than leave them in the car.

“When it comes to summer walkies, I would always advise going earlier and later in the day when the air and ground temperatures are far less oppressive for dogs.

“Also, I would draw particular attention to people with these trendy new fake lawns, which can get extremely hot compared to normal grass.

“Remember to always secure a shaded patch of garden for your dog to lie down in, when you’re outside”.

Emily’s seven top tips for keeping your dogs cool this summer

  • Use breathable cooling vests or bandanas
  • Provide plenty of cool water
  • Give them dog friendly Ice treats
  • Get a cooling mat for them to lay on
  • Get a paddling pool and put dog toys in it for them to play with
  • Early morning and evening walks
  • Create shady areas in the garden
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