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Role of the LC arousal promoting neurons in maintaining brain criticality across the sleep-wake cycle

jneurosci.org 2 days ago


Sleep control depends on a delicate interplay among brain regions. This generates a complex temporal architecture with numerous sleep-stage transi­tions and intermittent fluctuations to micro-states and brief arousals within sleep stages. These temporal dynamics exhibit hallmarks of criticality, suggest­ing that tuning to criticality is essential for spontaneous sleep-stage and arousal transitions. However, how the brain maintains criticality remains not under­stood. Here, we investigate dynamics of θ- and δ-bursts during the sleep-wake cycle of rats (Sprague-Dawley, adult male) with lesion in the wake-promoting locus coeruleus (LC). We show that, in control rats, θ- and δ-bursts exhibit duality of power-law (θ-bursts, active phase) and exponential-like (δ-bursts, quiescent phase) duration distributions, as well as power-law long-range tem­poral correlations (LRTC)—typical of non-equilibrium systems self-organizing at criticality. Further, consecutive θ- and δ-bursts durations are characterized by anti-correlated coupling, indicating a new class of self-organized critical- ity that emerges from underlying feedback between neuronal populations and brain areas involved in generating arousals and sleep states. In contrast, we uncover that LC lesion leads to alteration of θ- and δ-burst critical features, with change in duration distributions and correlation properties, and increase in θ-δ coupling. Notably, these LC-lesion effects are opposite to those observed for lesions in the sleep-promoting ventrolateral preoptic nucleus (VLPO). Our findings indicate that critical dynamics of θ- and δ-bursts arise from a bal­anced interplay of LC and VLPO, which maintains brain tuning to criticality across the sleep-wake cycle—a continuous non-equilibrium behavior in sleep

Significance statement Criticality has been associated with healthy brain function in both sleep and wake. However, how the sleep-wake control circuitry maintains criticality remains not un­derstood. Our analyses demonstrate that arousal promoting neurons in the LC play a key role in maintaining brain criticality across the sleep-wake cycle. The results show that lesions of the wake-promoting LC affect the critical dynamics of θ and δ bursts, altering duration distributions, correlation properties, and θ-δ coupling. The reported changes in criticality measures are opposite to those caused by lesions of the sleep-promoting VLPO. This suggests that feed-forward and feedback interactions among neuronal populations in the LC and VLPO are essential to maintain the brain tuned to criticality across the sleep-wake cycle.


  • The authors declare no competing financial interests.

  • We acknowledge support from the W. M. Keck Foundation, National Institutes of Health (NIH Grant 1R01-HL098437), the US-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF Grant 2012219 and BSF Grant 2020020), the Office of Naval Research (ONR Grant ONR Grant 000141010078). FL acknowledges sup­port from the European Union's Horizon research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 754411 and No. 101066790, from the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) (grant no. PT1013M03318), and from the NextGenerationEU through the grant TAlent in ReSearch@University of Padua - STARS@UNIPD (project BRAINCIP—Brain criticality and information processing).

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