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Psalm 35:7: Heartfelt plea

vocal.media 1 day ago

Trusting God through trials and troubles

Psalm 35:7: Heartfelt plea
Tim Wildsmith

In the midst of July, on the sixth day's grace,

Psalm 35:7 finds its place.

“For without cause they hid their net,

A pit they dug, without regret.”

David’s words, a cry for aid,

From foes unseen, in shadows laid.

Innocence met with cunning snare,

A righteous plea, a heartfelt prayer.

The Bible speaks of trials stark,

Of light pursued through valleys dark.

Injustice faced by hearts so pure,

God’s promise stands, His love secure.

In Eden’s dawn, deceit began,

A serpent’s lie to foil God’s plan.

Yet through the fall, redemption’s thread,

Wove hope anew where darkness spread.

Through Abraham’s faithful quest,

God’s covenant was manifest.

From Joseph’s pit to Egypt’s throne,

God’s hand was seen, His mercy known.

Moses, too, faced bitter strife,

Pharaoh’s wrath, a captive life.

Yet through the plagues and parted sea,

God’s power reigned, His people free.

David, hunted, unjustly blamed,

Yet songs of praise he still proclaimed.

In caves he hid, from Saul’s fierce might,

But trusted God through darkest night.

Jesus came, a light to all,

To heal the broken, lift the small.

Betrayed and scorned, He bore our shame,

His sacrifice, our hope reclaimed.

In Psalm 35:7’s plea,

We find a call to bend the knee.

To trust in God, our righteous shield,

In every trial, our refuge sealed.

So in July’s bright, reflective beam,

Let Psalm 35’s wisdom gleam.

For in God’s word, we find our stay,

Our guiding star, our hope and way.

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