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My Grandma Forced Me To Marry A Gold Miner Who Beats Me Up Before Sl€eping With Me”Funke Jegede

newsmedia.ng 1 day ago

Upcoming Yoruba movie actress Funke Dunis Jegede has revealed what her grandma forced her to do when she was staying in her house after her mother neglected her when she got pregnant for a truck driver, while also stating what the man always did to her before having any affair with her.…Click Here To Continue Reading>>

In a video that was posted on the official YouTube channel of Talk To B during an interview with Biola Adebayo, she disclosed that her grandmother forced her to marry one of the gold miners who usually beat her up before doing anything with her.

In her statement, she said, “When I started staying with my grandma, I started selling food to some of the gold miners who were my grandma’s tenants.…Click Here To Continue Reading>>

“When my child became one year old, the family of the man who forcefully molested me came to me and told me that he requested to see me because he was seriously ill…ContinueReading….

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