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Anas Sarwar calls for Scots voters to ‘end Tory nightmare’ as polling guru issues grim election forecast for Rishi Sunak

thescottishsun.co.uk 2 days ago

SCOTS have been urged to “end the Tory nightmare” as the UK’s leading polling guru said the chances of a Rishi Sunak win were less than “lightning striking twice in the same place”.

And Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar warned voters not to risk waking up on Friday to “the same sleazy Tories” and to “make sure we boot out this rotten Tory government”.

Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar has urged voters to "boot out" the Conservatives
Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar has urged voters to "boot out" the Conservatives
Professor Sir John Curtice has issued a bleak election forecast for the Tories
Professor Sir John Curtice has issued a bleak election forecast for the Tories

Sir John Curtice all-but ruled out a last gasp Tory revival in the polls, saying: “There is more chance of lightning striking in the same place twice – and a bit more – than there is of Rishi Sunak remaining prime minister.”

He added the lack of friends in Westminster meant even a strong Tory showing would see them “struggle to maintain a minority government”.

The expert said the SNP’s chances of staying the biggest party in Scotland were “not high, but they are better than Rishi Sunak’s chances of remaining Prime Minister.”

But earlier, the Tory leader insisted the doomsday prediction was “not going to stop me”, despite an odds-on Sir Keir Starmer victory.

Responding to the analysis from Sir John, Mr Sunak told BBC Breakfast: “That’s his view.

”That’s not going to stop me from working as hard as I can over these final few days to talk to as many people as possible about the choice.”

The Prime Minister also claimed the outcome of the General Election was not a “foregone conclusion” and that he was “feeling energised” with two days of campaigning to go.

The Tory leader had an early-morning visit to an Ocado packing plant in Bedfordshire, before visiting Oxfordshire seats where his party won comfortably in 2019 where he denied a Labour win was inevitable.

He said: “I know there are lots of people who want to tell everyone it’s a foregone conclusion but I don’t believe that.”

Mr Sunak added being PM “entails sacrifice” and “there’s always work to do”, as the Tories continued to attack the Labour leader’s plans to spend time with his family on Friday evenings.

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But Sir Keir dismissed the criticism as “laughably ridiculous”, and insisted he would work then if necessary.

And he said his party was making the positive case for change, and said: “What a contrast to an increasingly desperate, negative campaign that the Tories are running.”

The exchanges came as Sir John Curtice also said the SNP’s chances of winning the majority of seats in Scotland was also “not high”.

Polling suggests Scottish Labour are likely to be the largest party in Scotland after the election as they hold an average five point lead over the Nats.

And last night party chief Anas Sarwar urged voters to back his party to “boot out the Tories”.

He said: “Imagine waking up on Friday to the news of five more years under the Tories – the same sleazy Tories that put party before country, crashed the economy and left ordinary families to pick up the bill.

“A Labour government in the service of working people with Scottish MPs at its heart is in reach – but only if you vote for it.”

He added: “This election is a straight choice between a broken status quo with two bad governments, or change with Labour.

“The only way to make sure we boot out this rotten Tory government and secure a better future for Scotland is to vote Scottish Labour tomorrow.”

In one of the SNP’s last ditch attempts to win votes, party leader John Swinney wrote an open letter to voters reminding them the race in Scotland is “too close to call”.

He said: “This election is about who you can trust to put Scotland’s interests first in Westminster.

“Scotland has suffered enough over the last fourteen years from decisions made in London that weren’t in our best interests.”

And urging Scots to back the Nats to stop “£18billion of austerity cuts” on the UK, the First Minister said a “better future is in your hands”.

He added: “Only the SNP can be trusted to stand up for Scotland’s interests and protect Scotland’s values at Westminster.”

It came as the Scottish Tories continued to beg anti-Nat voters to back them if they wanted to see the SNP lose in Scotland - as they try to stave off the threat of Reform UK.

The party warned Scots that even a “small number” of votes for Nigel Farage’s party could see the Nats win.

Several Tory-held seats are on a knife-edge with the SNP - including party leader Douglas Ross’ target seat of Aberdeenshire North and Moray East.

And today, party chairman Craig Hoy said the other parties are “simply too far behind” to win with seats being a “straight contest” between the Tories and the Nats.

He said: “In those key seats, no other party can win. Reform, Labour and the Lib Dems are simply too far behind.

”Even a small number of votes for Reform could lead to big wins for the SNP.”

And despite polling suggesting a Labour landslide, Mr Hoy insisted his party could still help defeat the SNP.

He said: “The opportunity is within our grasp to hand the SNP their worst election defeat in more than a decade, but just a few people choosing to vote Reform could put all that at risk.

”In key seats up and down Scotland, only a vote for the Scottish Conservatives can beat the SNP and get the focus on to the issues that really matter to you.”

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