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A Chronological Timeline of the Fallout Games

cbr.com 1 day ago
Sole Survivor goes to pet Dogmeat as they begin their journey in Fallout 4's Commonwealth

Bethesda's post-apocalyptic RPG franchise Fallout has been around for over two decades, with Fallout: A Post-Nuclear Role Playing Game having been published by series creator Interplay Productions in 1997. Since the franchise began, six full role-playing games have been released, as well as multiple different spin-offs through RPG sub-genres. The franchise has become a staple of the video game industry, with multiple Fallout projects being developed for future release, and season 2 of the video game series' adaptation Prime Video also having been confirmed.

Like many other franchises, Fallout's games have been, for the most part, released in chronological order — but there are a few major exceptions. It can be easy to overlook these exceptions, and with most gamers starting their Fallout experience with one of the later games, so much intriguing lore and essential moments can be missed out on. This timeline offers players a chronological perspective of the franchise so far, ensuring anyone can play through these celebrated games and experience the post-apocalyptic narrative in its entirety, whilst exploring the Wasteland and meeting the unique characters who call it home.

Fallout 76 Kicks Off the Chronology

  • Takes place in the year 2102
  • Set 25 years after the Great War
  • Set in Appalachia
Fallout 4 and Skyrim

Players have been flocking back to the Fallout series in droves, but there's another Bethesda fantasy title that fans should try out.

The latest Fallout game to have been released also happens to be the first game chronologically, being set just 25 years after the Great War, which turned Earth and all its nations into the Wasteland. Appalachia, an area within the states of West Virginia and Virginia where Fallout 76 is set, was relatively unaffected by the destruction of the world, with almost all of its inhabitants perishing due to the mutagenic infection of the Scorched Plague in the years after. Following the opening of Vault 76, the player takes on the role of the Vault Dweller, tasked with re-colonizing the region and uncovering the deadly plague.

The player is tasked with defeating the Scorched — humans infected with the Scorched Plague who are controlled by huge mutated bats known as Scorchbeasts — and stopping the infection from preventing humanity's re-colonization. Being dubbed the prequel to the Fallout series, and the perfect entry point to the series, Fallout 76 is filled with references and connections, and players will learn about the origins of many famous groups, such as the Brotherhood of Steel and the Enclave.

Fallout Was the Title That Started It All

Artwork from Fallout 1
  • Takes place in the year 2161
  • Set in Southern California

After Vault 13's water chip breaks, the vault's Overseer sends the protagonist, a Vault Dweller, to the surface to locate a replacement from Vault 15, but finds it in ruins. A new replacement is taken from Vault 12, an abandoned vault located underneath the ghoul safe town Necropolis, which ultimately led the Overseer to send the protagonist on a mission to find and stop the source of widespread mutations. This game introduces the player to many iconic Fallout locations like Shady Sands, and characters like mutants, which play important roles going forward chronologically.

After the discovery of the forced mutation of humans through the Force Evolutionary Virus (F.E.V.), the Vault Dweller must eliminate the Master, the character behind the forced mutation. The game's ending is a sad but foreboding conclusion which sets up the franchise's future — the protagonist is denied access back into Vault 13, showing just how savage survival in the world of Fallout has become, but his influence on the surface would shape the way the Wasteland develops throughout the rest of the franchise.

Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel Shows the Origins of an Iconic Faction

Artwork from Fallout Tactics Brotherhood of Steel
  • Takes place in the year 2197
  • Set outside the former city of Chicago

Despite being relatively isolated from the main story of Fallout,Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel is the next game in the franchise's chronological order and follows the early beginnings of the iconic Brotherhood. As Fallout's first spin-off title, Tactics differs from the mainline RPGs by primarily focusing on strategy and combat, with multiple different turn-based combat modes available.

Tactics' stance as canonical is largely debatable, as some parts of the narrative are seen as canon, whereas others are not. Nevertheless, this game allows players to deepen their understanding of the world of Fallout through the lens of the Brotherhood of Steel, as seeing the origins and development of one of the franchise's biggest factions is fascinating and exciting.

Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel Was the Series' Console Debut

Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel artwork
  • Takes place in the year 2208
  • Not considered canon

Not to be confused with Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel, this game was the very first to be published on home video game consoles and was released on the PlayStation 2 and Xbox in 2004. It was the last Fallout game developed by Interplay Entertainment (formerly Interplay Productions), and, although it is not considered canon within the Fallout lore, it chronologically takes place between Tactics and Fallout 2.

Inspired by dungeon crawlers, Fallout: BoS further advanced combat mechanics, with gameplay similar to hack-and-slash games — which got old quickly. Unfortunately, lackluster combat combined with a boring story that adds nothing to preexisting lore created an underwhelming game. Although highly criticized, this did mark Fallout's debut on consoles, so it is still incredibly important.

Fallout 2 Introduces the New California Republic

Artwork for Fallout 2
  • Takes place in the year 2241
  • Set in Northern California

Playing as the grandchild of the original games' Vault 13 Vault Dweller, Fallout 2 sees the protagonist, dubbed the 'Chosen One,' once again tasked with retrieving a community-saving item, this time the Garden of Eden Creation Kit (or G.E.C.K. for short). The village, Arroyo, had suffered a terrible drought, leading to starvation and the destruction of food — but a G.E.C.K. could save it. Thus, the player begins another wasteland-trekking journey, this time from a village rather than a vault.

Fallout 2 introduces even more iconic factions, with the New California Republic and the Enclave making their franchise debut. Long-term fans of Fallout will know the long-lasting impact that these groups have throughout the Wasteland, so it is intriguing to see their beginnings within the narrative. Furthermore, Fallout 2 reveals the fate of Vault 13's protagonist, helping to further amplify the character's impact on the Wasteland.

The Lone Wanderer walks the wasteland with Dogmeat in Fallout 3
  • Takes place in the year 2277
  • Set in the Capital Wasteland, formerly known as the East Coast

The third mainline Fallout game, Fallout 3, was franchise-owner Bethesda's first Fallout game that they developed and released after they purchased the franchise rights. Beginning exactly 200 years after the Great War, the story follows protagonist the 'Lone Wanderer', and his journey to find his father James after he unexpectedly leaves Vault 101, and it descends into chaos. Making his way through the Capital Wasteland, an area situated on the East Coast, the player begins to learn more about his father's work.

Similar to previous Fallout games in that the narrative involves saving the community, James' work was concerned with purifying radiated water so that it becomes drinkable again. Leaving the vault was James' best opportunity to finally finish his dream, but he gained the attention of both the Enclave and the Brotherhood of Steel, with the former having villainous plans. Multiple endings can happen based on the player's final choice, helping to enhance immersion and highlighting why Fallout 3 is praised as the best Fallout game for new fans.

Fallout: New Vegas Is Among One of the Greatest Games Ever Made

New California Republic Fallout New Vegas
  • Takes place in the year 2281
  • Set in the Mojave Desert
The Lone Wanderer and Lucy MacLean

The Fallout TV show has introduced a new group of fans to the franchise while fixing one of the game's biggest problems.

A fan-favorite Fallout spin-off, Fallout: New Vegas is drastically different from other entries in the series — rather than saving a community or searching for a loved one, the protagonist, named the Courier, is out for revenge. During a delivery run to New Vegas, the Courier is attacked, shot twice in the head, and left for dead. The player controls the Courier in their quest for vengeance and interacts with multiple unique characters whilst influencing the masses.

Multiple endings are available in New Vegas, based upon player choice, but there is one constant in all of them — a showdown at Hoover Dam, with the victor ruling over New Vegas and the area's power. Although there is no obvious true ending, New Vegas is canon, and its ending will have an impact on future Fallout projects, such as within season 2 of the Prime Video adaptation.

Fallout 4 Brought the Franchise to the Modern Console Generation

  • Takes place in the year 2287
  • Set in Boston

Although Fallout 4's prologue is chronologically the earliest playable Fallout time period, taking place in 2077, the protagonist is cryogenically frozen until they awaken in 2287. The 'Sole Survivor' of Vault 111, the player ventures out to find their son Shaun after their spouse is murdered inside the vault by a mystery figure. Throughout the game, the player meets different characters and members of factions across the Wasteland on their quest to find their son.

Synths play a large role in Fallout 4's main conflict, with multiple characters being revealed throughout the story to secretly be synths, and other characters having contrasting opinions on them. This new narrative adds a new layer of paranoia and caution for players when choosing which characters to side with and what dialogue options to use, bringing the franchise to new levels of player immersion. With multiple endings achievable, the implications of Fallout 4's story are sure to impact future Fallout games and projects, especially in the highly anticipated Fallout 5.

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