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Actor Ruby Orjiakor Denies Romantic Entanglement With Late Colleague Junior Pope

Stelladimokokorkus 2024/6/23

Nollywood actress Ruby Ojiakor has finally addressed widespread rumors that her relationship with the late Junior Pope was a romantic one and that he may be the father of her daughter, Royalty.

She denied the rumour via Facebook..."Hello World
I just want to clear something
I owe my fans this truth
My attention has been drawn to so many things they are saying about me online
Well am not surprised
I think they are saying all these because those people don't follow me genuinely
Most people don't keep genuine friends so they don't know the meaning of true friendship, that's what I feel
So persons are just following you for following sake, they are not following you with their heart
So that's why when I see a lot of things they are writing about me online, I just smile
I didn't wanna talk about this, honestly I didn't wanna address this but someone I respect so much just said;' Ruby, just say it, whether they believe or not, just say it'.
And because you people are my family, especially the people I have here, you people are my family, you need to hear from me.
Now listen
Junior Pope is and was never my boyfriend
When I mean boyfriend,I mean intimacy, there is no intimacy between myself and Junior Pope
What I mean by that is that we were not and we never dated
Junior Pope was never my intimate friend, he was just my friend
Infact, it was more than friends, he was my Big Brother
And I also see a lot of write-ups, so many posts,some persons will just screenshot and send to me;'Ruby look at what they are saying, they said he's Royalty's father'
I look at it and laugh like how can people reason this way?
Please and please I beg you people
Junior Pope is not Royalty's father, he's not my daughter's father please
I just wanna clarify this so that you people will all know that he was just my very good friend, do you understand?he was my Big Brother, I confide so much in him, he Advises me because sometimes I dey 'wacko'
He's the only one that would say;'Ahh, Ruby no no, don't do am like this'
He Advises me a lot because he's very intelligent, an intelligent being
It's so sad that he left this early and ofcourse it was never his time
It is well!Jay it is well!
So guys please I know how much I controlled myself to this point, to be able to talk to you people
To tell you people what you need to know
So please when you hear people saying Junior Pope is ahead o, Junior Pope is Royalty's father,please tell them it's not true, it's false
Whoever that is carrying this false information, please tell the person to tender an evidence,am not asking for for two,three, four evidences, just one
It's not everything you hear, you would just believe, he was just my good friend, a big Brother and an elder brother and he was a nice person, infact he was too nice, he was a jolly good fellow, he does not look down on anyone, he's so transparent, infact he was a genuine friend so don't be surprised,stop saying what you don't know
Stop saying;'Ahh,Ruby how can you mourn him this way, why will you cry this much, how can you stay off social media because of him, is it that you people are dating or something
Please I'm begging you, stop thinking that way
That's what I have to tell you guys
Just disregard whatever they are trying to tell you, disregard whatever you are seeing online that he was my boyfriend or whatever, it is false from the pit of hell, it's a big lie
I just feel I owe you my family this explanation if not am not gonna say anything about it"

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