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Meet the Son of Former Zambian President Fredrick Chiluba Almost Beaten to Death For Burglary

abilitydigitalz.com.ng 2 days ago
Fredrick Chiluba Jr, the son of late former president Fredrick Chiluba has had his face painfully redesigned via a savage beating upon being caught in a house in Lusaka’s Ibex Hill area where he had broken into for a theft mission in the early hours of today. The 40-year old, who was discharged from the Zambia Air Force after stealing a phone is now in police custody while two of his colleagues are on the run. Fredrick Chiluba Jr, the son of late former president Fredrick Chiluba has had his face painfully redesigned via a savage beating upon being caught in a house in Lusaka’s Ibex Hill area where he had broken into for a theft mission in the early hours of today. The 40-year old, who was discharged from the Zambia Air Force after stealing a phone is now in police custody while two of his colleagues are on the run.

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