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Troubling poll reveals another member of the Squad under scrutiny for anti-Israel views

newsfinale.com 3 days ago
Damning poll shows ANOTHER anti-Israel Squad member is in trouble

Another member of the most left-wing congressional bloc risks being toppled by a moderate Democrat as her challenger makes a huge comeback.

Cori Bush, who is part of the ‘Squad’ of progressive House representatives, has been found to be in a tight race with St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell in recent polling.

The survey of 400 registered voters in the Missouri 1st District by The Mellman Group put Bush at 42 per cent, behind Bell’s 43 per cent.

The Mellman Group is the same pollster that correctly predicted the 16.8-point drubbing handed to Jamaal Bowman on Tuesday.

Cori Bush risks being toppled by a moderate Democrat as her challenger makes a huge comeback
Cori Bush risks being toppled by a moderate Democrat as her challenger makes a huge comeback
Bush is in a dead heat with St Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell (pictured), new polling found
Bush is in a dead heat with St Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell (pictured), new polling found

The poll in April gave Westchester County Executive George Latimer a 52 to 35 per cent lead over Bowman.

Bush is suddenly in a street fight with Bell after looking like a sure thing in January when she was ahead 45 per cent to 29 per cent.

The poll, however, has raised questions as it was conducted by Mark Mellman, the chairman of DMFI PAC, a lobbying group that supports the election of pro-Israel Democrats, casting doubts on its nonpartisan nature.

‘As voters become more familiar with Cori Bush’s stance in Washington against the Biden-Harris administration’s agenda, they seem to be favoring Wesley Bell as their choice to represent them in Congress,’ mentioned the poll results.

There was more bad news in the poll, conducted in June 18 to 22, as there are 11 per cent of respondents undecided with momentum on Bell’s side.

‘Bell’s vote and margin increased across every major demographic — among whites and Blacks, among men and women, among those over and under 50 years old, and both inside and outside the city of St Louis,’ Melman said.

‘This primary race is essentially tied but clearly moving in Wesley Bell’s direction.’

The survey that showed Bush was in trouble is by the same pollster that correctly predicted the 16.8-point drubbing handed to Jamaal Bowman (pictured) on Tuesday
The survey that showed Bush was in trouble is by the same pollster that correctly predicted the 16.8-point drubbing handed to Jamaal Bowman (pictured) on Tuesday
Bush and her husband Cortney Merritts at and event with other Democrats
Bush and her husband Cortney Merritts at and event with other Democrats

Mellman said Bush was still seen favorably, but assessments of her and her performance were moving in a negative direction.

‘Bell’s image is improving, leaving him with an underlying image advantage,’ he said.

‘Bell holds an advantage over Bush on both favorability and job performance ratings.

‘A 61 per cent majority give Bell positive ratings for the job he is doing as St Louis County Prosecuting Attorney, while only 27 per cent offer negative evaluations.’

Many ‘Squad’ members like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Summer Lee are in safe districts and faced little or no primary opposition.

But Bowman and Bush were vulnerable to attack by the deep pockets of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

The donor group dumped $20 million into opposing Bowman, making it the most expensive House primary in history.

Most of the voting bloc’s members are staunchly pro-Palestine and harshly criticized the Israeli Government’s conduct during its bombing and invasion of Gaza.

Bowman had the added problem that his district has a significant Jewish population that was turned off by his criticism.

Bowman is staunchly pro-Palestine and harshly criticized the Israeli Government's conduct during its bombing and invasion of Gaza
Bowman is staunchly pro-Palestine and harshly criticized the Israeli Government’s conduct during its bombing and invasion of Gaza
Westchester County Executive George Latimer destroyed Bowman by 16.8 per cent on Tuesday
Westchester County Executive George Latimer destroyed Bowman by 16.8 per cent on Tuesday

But many Democrats believed Bowman mostly tanked his own chances by failing to effectively represent his constituents. 

‘I think he just became his own worst enemy,’ Congresswoman Lois Frankel told Politico.

Congressman Brad Schneider agreed: ‘I see this as a member who failed to represent the people who sent him there. And they made a decision that they wanted a different representative.’ 

Democrats pointed out that most of the advertising AIPAC ran wasn’t about Bowman’s position on about Israel, and focused on Latimer being a better legislator.

Bush also has problems specific to her, as she is being investigated by the Justice Department over her campaign’s spending on security.

She hired her now-husband Cortney Merritts as a security guard at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars.

Bush denied wrongdoing and pointed out a congressional ethics watchdog report cleared her of any wrongdoing.

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