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NHS Theatre Nurses Strike in Central London Hospitals Over Extended Shift Times

apexlifehub.com 1 day ago

Day surgery theatre nurses in central London hospitals are set to go on strike following the decision to extend their shift times, announced by Unite on Monday. Strike Action Announced: According to the union, 50 workers at Guy's and St Thomas' hospitals will walk out on June 27 and July 2 after their shift end time was moved from 8pm to 9pm. The union has warned that more strikes will follow if the issue is not resolved. Chronic Overwork Concerns: Nurses have expressed being overworked since their shifts were initially extended from 7pm to 8pm, with some having to work on Saturdays to support additional theatre lists. Unite's general secretary, Sharon Graham, stated that the theatre nurses were already stretched to their limits and working extra hours to ensure proper patient care. She emphasized the need for hospital leadership to find alternative solutions. Protecting Workers' Rights: Unite is committed to safeguarding the jobs, pay, and conditions of workers at Guy's and St Thomas', offering full support during the dispute. The hospitals receive around 2.6 million patient contacts annually, making them among the busiest NHS trusts in the UK. Patient Safety Concerns: Hospital staff have raised concerns that the increase in shift times is jeopardizing patient safety. A theatre nurse explained that the strike is a result of continuous disregard for staff concerns regarding burnout and patient well-being. The nurse highlighted the critical situation where striking seems to be the only option to ensure their own and their patients' safety. Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust is yet to provide a comment on the matter.

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