Every One Piece Egghead Arc Outfit the Straw Hats Wear, Ranked
Usually, every One Piece arc has the cast in a new series of outfits. Often to fit the aesthetic and culture of the land. It also allows Oda to show his fashion design skills while dressing the Straw Hats. However, not all outfits are created equal, and some Straw Hats wear their fits better than others.
The Egghead Arc had the cast in futuristic sci-fi outfits that fit the character's personality and color scheme and make them fit in with the futuristic landscape of Egghead. While some of the Straw Hats really make the look of Egghead's "pantsless" reality work, others could do far better.
One of the more disappointing aspects of the Egghead Arc was the lack of Franky's involvement with the brilliant scientist Dr. Vegapunk. After skipping training from his research notes and being the ship technician/shipwright, Franky deserves an arc of his own here. But Egghead didn't pan out that way, and Franky was relegated to the support role.
His outfit was also challenging to look at. Not only does his large frame make for a less appealing look, but the Egghead outfit shaves his head and places a screw on top of it. Franky always looks ridiculous, but the colors of his outfit really clash, making him look horrendous overall.
While not as glorious as some of his earlier outfits, this Egghead Outfit at least does something unique with Brook's helmet. The helmet contains the afro in a fishbowl-like appearance, almost making the skeleton look like an astronaut.
The combination of colors helps the outfit fit Brook's design; yellow and black always look great together. Brooks' white skeleton body makes the colors look even better. The only downside is that the outfit restrains many of Soul King's more dramatic personalities.
Unlike his allies, Sanji gets a casual beachy outfit: a floral shirt-hoodie and shorts. The outfit's color scheme matches the number 4's blonde hair, and it gives him an earpiece to communicate with his allies if needed. The highlight of the outfit is how well it matches Sanji's design, making what would be an ugly outfit stand out.
Sanji may be a cook who only uses his legs during combat in One Piece, but he has become one of the strongest pirates in the series.
Unfortunately, the torso is the best part, as the black shorts with "VEGAPUNK" printed across them look somewhat awkward. The outfit also reveals much of Sanji's leg hair, which many could have done without seeing. It also doesn't give the same futuristic sci-fi look as his companions, instead making Sanji look like he's on an entirely different island.
Jinbe had a great start in the Egghead arc, perfect for his position as the latest Straw Hat member. His Egghead outfit is a pink tropical shirt on top of his traditional kimono outfit. The pink colors match the kimono's orange and blend very well with Jinbe's blue skin color. It makes him look like some combination of cotton candy.
The outfit's biggest strength is the "dad vibes" it gives Jinbe. This is perfect considering that in SBS Volume 99, Oda revealed that if the Straw Hats were a family member, Jinbe would take the role of a father. The floral shirt and bottoms combo give Jinbe that fatherly appearance.
Chopper's outfits usually up the cute factor, trying to make him look more adorable than he already is. And the Egghead Outfit succeeds in this regard. While the deer doesn't do much during the arc, he serves as excellent eye candy for audiences to gush over. The coloring of his outfit matches his usual color scheme of blue and pink, and the current design of the outfit wraps him in a highly adorable SSG jacket.
The best part of his design is the motorcycle helmet, which covers his whole head and hat, giving him a more circular, friend-shaped appearance. Even his antlers are restricted slightly to make him appear extra friendly. The yellow translucent visor is also an extremely adorable addition.
Robin's egghead outfit has a punk aesthetic to it, thanks to its color scheme of black, dark blues, and greys. The top is a cool jacket that looks like a leather jacket. She gives sci-fi punk quickly, which fits considering her background as the "devil child." This is a fitting decision considering the tragic but beautiful information that this arc gives to the character and fans, as it challenges the idea of Nico's "devil child," nature.
The only downside of the outfit is the inexplicable lack of pants, which attach Robin's bottoms to a suspender on her jacket. The fanservice in the cleavage was already pushing it, but the loss of pants shows Oda's appreciation for the family body. Though the One Piece manga never has typical fanservice moments, outfits like Robin's show that Oda found a way to have his fanservice anyway.
Nami's outfit has the same problem as Robin's: the inexplicable lack of pants shows her underwear the entire time. But this one is slightly better, thanks to Naomi's top being a far more clothed hoodie. Not only does the hoodie look comfy, but it helps blend in with the bottoms, making the outfit look like a put-together one-piece.
Nami's popular retro-futuristic outfit from the Egghead storyline in One Piece is brought to life by a dedicated anime cosplayer in Japan.
Nami had a far better outfit initially planned, including one that would have given her a bunny design, but this was a suitable replacement. Its matching colors to Nami's overall palette make it a great fashion choice for her.
Usopp's outfit puts him in the green a sniper would usually wear when trying to stay camouflaged, fitting for the slingshot sniper of the Straw Hats. His jacket has astonishing patterns, patches, and designs that almost make it look like Usopp's been wearing this outfit forever and has personally customized it to his liking.
The best part is the accessories, especially the bandana that puts Usopp's longer hair into a bun. He also wears extremely cool shades that cover his eyes in certain shots and make him look menacing rather than cowardly. Considering Usopp has yet to hit the level of a brave warrior of the sea, he needs it.
Luffy's egghead outfit is a simple one, consisting of his usual straw hat and a long red coat with yellow markings. Long enough to cover his red shorts. When it comes to Luffy, his outfit changes are mainly simple, which makes sense, considering he does most of the fighting, so any extreme difference would be difficult for Oda to draw.
Luffy's primary color is red, so having the coat red is perfect. Red often symbolizes the leader of a group, and as the captain of the Straw Hats, Luffy has to stand out as such. The outfit is also perfect for Luffy to take off, which he does when going into Gear 5. Any more complicated would be a hassle for the guy who wants to be the freest.
With a black undersuit and a grey jacket, Zorro looks the best of his crewmates. The darker colors bring out his green hair well and give him an perfect sci-fi color aesthetic. Attached to his back, as always, are his three swords which fit perfectly with the outfit and don't clash or stand out, which would have ruined the outfit entirely.
The jacket is the best part of this attire, mainly because, unlike the others, it doesn't have Vegapunk or SSG branding, giving it the appearance of looking like a real-world jacket that people would buy. The symbols on the coat are very cyberpunk-like, making Zorro look like a cyberpunk samurai. Luffy's outfit is the best one of the entire crew because it's a fit that highlights his role as the swordsman.
Follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy and his pirate crew in order to find the greatest treasure ever left by the legendary Pirate, Gold Roger. The famous mystery treasure named "One Piece".