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The Whispers in the Dark

vocal.media 1 day ago
The Whispers in the Dark
Stefano Pollio

The old farmhouse creaked and groaned as the wind howled outside. Sarah pulled her sweater tighter around herself, trying to push down the sense of unease that had been growing inside her all day.

She had always loved this place - the wide, wooden floorboards, the cozy fireplace, and the way the afternoon light streamed in through the large windows. But today, something felt different. Off.

As she wandered through the silent rooms, she couldn't help but notice the shadows seemed to move and shift in the corners of her vision. And was that a faint whispering sound she heard, barely audible over the gusts of wind?

"Don't be ridiculous," she muttered to herself, trying to shake the feeling that she was being watched. She busied herself with preparing dinner, turning on the radio to fill the unsettling silence.

But as the evening wore on, the unease only grew. The shadows seemed to darken and the whispers grew louder, almost as if they were mere inches from her ear. Sarah found herself constantly glancing over her shoulder, her heart pounding.

When night finally fell, she hurried to her bedroom, desperate to escape the strange sensations that surrounded her. She tried to lose herself in a book, but the words kept blurring on the page. Finally, exhausted, she turned off the light and snuggled under the worn quilt, willing herself to fall asleep.

That's when she heard it - a faint scraping sound, like nails on wood, coming from the hallway outside her door. Sarah froze, her breath catching in her throat. The sound grew closer, accompanied by a series of low, guttural moans.

Trembling, she pulled the blankets up to her chin, squeezing her eyes shut. "It's nothing, it's nothing," she whispered, trying to convince herself. But the noises only grew louder, closer. She could hear the floorboards creaking just outside her room.

Suddenly, a sharp rap on the bedroom door made her jump with a strangled cry. "Who's there?" she called out, hating the way her voice shook.

No response. Just more ominous creaking, as if something - or someone - was pacing back and forth just beyond the door.

Sarah's heart was racing now, adrenaline coursing through her veins. Summoning her courage, she sat up and reached for the baseball bat she kept by her bed. Gripping it tightly, she slowly got to her feet and crept towards the door.

"I'm warning you," she called out, "I'm armed and I'm not afraid to use this!" Her voice sounded steadier than she felt.

Still no answer. The strange noises had stopped, replaced by an eerie silence. Taking a deep breath, Sarah flung the door open, bat raised high.

The hallway was empty.

Bewildered, she stepped outside, peering into the darkness. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. She began to lower the bat, feeling foolish.

That's when she heard it - a faint, whispering voice, barely audible.


She froze, every muscle in her body going tense. The voice seemed to be coming from the attic above her. Steeling herself, she started up the creaking stairs, bat at the ready.

As she reached the top, an overwhelming sense of dread washed over her. The attic door was open, a faint light spilling out into the hallway. Her heart pounding, she slowly approached the doorway, peering inside.

What she saw made her blood run cold.

There, sitting in the far corner, was a figure. Hunched over, with unnaturally long, spindly limbs and a head that seemed to sway back and forth. It let out a low, guttural moan, and Sarah had to fight the urge to vomit.

"Sarah..." it whispered, in a sibilant, inhuman voice. "I've been waiting for you."

She wanted to run, to flee this nightmare. But her feet felt rooted to the spot, her muscles frozen in fear.

The creature turned its head, and Sarah recoiled at the sight of its face - or lack thereof. Where its features should have been, there was only a smooth, pale expanse of skin, save for a gaping, lipless mouth that stretched impossibly wide.

It rose to its feet, each joint cracking and popping with a sickening sound. Sarah watched, paralyzed, as it began to slowly approach her, its movements jerky and unnatural.

"Come to me, Sarah," it whispered, its voice rasping and guttural. "Let me show you the secrets of the dark."

She tried to scream, to call for help, but no sound would come. As the creature drew closer, she could see its mouth opening wider, revealing row upon row of jagged, needle-like teeth.

Just as it reached out a long, spindly hand towards her, a sudden noise from downstairs startled them both. The creature let out a high-pitched, keening wail and retreated back into the shadows of the attic.

Sarah didn't hesitate. Gripping the bat tightly, she fled down the stairs, her heart pounding in her ears. She ran straight out the front door, not stopping until she reached the safety of her car.

As she drove away, she glanced back at the old farmhouse, now shrouded in darkness. She shuddered, unable to shake the image of that horrific, faceless creature from her mind.

What was it? And why did it know her name?

Sarah didn't know the answers, but one thing was certain - she would never be returning to that place. Whatever dark, unspeakable evil lived within those walls, she wanted no part of it.

As she sped away into the night, the sound of faint, unearthly whispers seemed to linger in the air behind her.

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