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Kano Emirate Crisis: Journalist resigns after critical remarks against governor, lawmakers

Premium Times Nigeria 5 days ago

Mr Ishaq announced his resignation from Freedom Radio after 16 years of service.

Emir Sanusi and Emir Ado-Bayero
Emir Sanusi and Emir Ado-Bayero

A journalist has quit his job at Freedom Radio, Kano, following critical comments he posted on Facebook against the state government and House of Assembly on the scrapping of four emirates in the state.

Abubakar Ishaq posted a video on his personal social media handles saying the decision of the state government in dissolving the Emirates is unpopular with residents of the scrapped emirates.

He said the decision will affect the ruling New Nigeria People Party (NNPP) in the state in the 2027 elections.

Mr Ishaq, in a statement dated 11, June, announced his resignation from Freedom Radio after 16 years of service.

He said the reason for the resignation was personal.

What he said about the Emirates crisis

Mr Ishaq, who anchored a popular political programme, ‘Kowanne Gauta,’ said several residents are not aware of the historical background of the emirates in Rano, Karaye, and Gaya.

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“The government did not do the residents of the scrapped emirates a favour by upgrading them to first class emirates; previously, they were first class emirs. The government just returned to them their initial first-class titles, which they have; it’s not a favour; people must understand this.

“The elevation to first-class emirates has brought a drastic improvement in the areas more than any other time, but for selfish reasons and lack of foresight by the lawmakers, they went ahead and dissolved them.

“Right from the governor to the lawmakers that did this, the result will not favour them during the election. No serious person from the dissolved emirates will vote for you”, Mr Ishaq said.

Abubakar Ishaq
Abubakar Ishaq [PHOTO CREDIT: Freedom Radio Nigeria]

Reacting to the development in a Facebook post, a former Vice Chancellor of the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), Abdullah Uba-Adamu, described the resignation as the loss of an ‘iconic voice’.

Mr Adamu commended the radio station for its creativity and mentioned several of its staffers who have excelled and exited the station.

“Now, to Ibrahim Ishaq Ɗan Uwa Rano. Also, an incredibly amazing voice. One social media outlet described it as ‘Iconic’. I couldn’t agree more. When Abubakar General left Freedom in 2015, the vocal attracting power of the Station fell on the larynx of Ishaq. His main programme was Kowanne Gauta, a political programme aired between 9.00 to 9.30 p.m. on weekdays.

“His fantastic voice was complimented by his rapid-fire smooth flow – like a fast-flowing river in a shallow bed. Usually, people listen to the radio while engaged in something – the radio being in the background. Not when Ishaq is presenting. You have only a Hobson’s Choice – listen to him and stop whatever you were doing. Not possible to mix the two because you don’t want to miss a word of what he was saying. He is truly gifted.

“I was shocked, therefore, when he resigned from Freedom Radio on June 11, 2024. I am not aware of the intricate internal politics of the Station, but I felt sad at his resignation because, for me, he remained one of the most significant reasons for listening to Freedom Radio”, Mr Uba-Adamu said.

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