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Congo Orphans Embrace Protein-Rich Palm Weevil Larvae to Fight Malnutrition Crisis

apexlifehub.com 2 days ago

At an orphanage in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, more than 60 children are introduced to a plate of palm weevil larvae, locally known as mpose. These protein-rich larvae, fried with spices, are part of an initiative by Farms for Orphans, a non-profit organization aimed at tackling malnutrition in the region. Innovative Solution for Malnutrition Crisis One-quarter of the country's 99 million population is facing a food crisis, with half of all orphans suffering from malnutrition, according to the World Food Programme. Edible insects, including larvae, are being explored as a sustainable source of protein, either for human consumption or animal feed. The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organisation states that insects can provide essential nutrients like fat, protein, vitamins, fibre, and minerals. Scientifically-Proven Benefits Françoise Lukadi, an agricultural engineer leading Farms for Orphans, highlights that meat does not contain higher protein concentration than insects, making larvae a viable protein source, especially for children under five. The larvae are cooked with onions, peppers, and tomatoes, offering a cheese-like taste. Commercial Expansion and Sustainability Farms for Orphans, supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, aims to produce larvae for commercial sale to sustain orphanage donations. The organization currently supplies four restaurants in Kinshasa, where palm worms are gaining popularity. While seeking to enhance production to meet commercial demands, the team faces challenges in scaling up due to resource constraints. Exploring Alternative Protein Sources Beyond Congo, farmers in Benin are also venturing into insect protein production. Jules Mahinou, a young poultry farmer, breeds black soldier flies in Cotonou to generate fly larvae as a protein-rich animal feed. The group aims to mechanize operations to produce fish and soybean meal substitutes. With the growing interest in insect farming, further research is essential to ensure food safety. In conclusion, the utilization of palm weevil larvae presents a promising solution to the malnutrition crisis among orphans in Congo. By exploring innovative protein sources, organizations like Farms for Orphans are making significant strides in addressing food security challenges.

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