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NEDC And The Case Of Baseless Accusations, By: Jacob Daniel, PhD

daylightreporters.com 3 days ago
NEDC And The Case Of Baseless Accusations,     By: Jacob Daniel, PhD

NEDC And The Case Of Baseless Accusations

By: Jacob Daniel, PhD

In the realm of public service and governance, accusations of corruption can wield immense power, capable of tarnishing the reputation of even the most dedicated individuals. Recently, Goni Alkali, the CEO of the Northeast Development Commission (NEDC), and Vice President Kashim Shettima have found themselves at the center of such allegations. However, a deeper examination reveals these claims to be without substance, driven by faceless entities with questionable motives rather than factual evidence.

Firstly, the accusations against Alkali and Shettima originate from a faceless group, lacking transparency and accountability. Purportedly led by two self-styled/self-appointed anticorruption crusaders in Pastor Sani Abdullahi and Reverend Kallamu Musa Ali Dikwa, the duo claims to be leaders of a civil society organization known as Organisation Against Corruption in Northern Nigeria (COCSOCINN). However, there is no record anywhere of the existence of this shadow group whose only face are the two shadowy figures, clerics mentioned above. The anonymity of the group raises significant doubts about the credibility and intentions behind these allegations.

As we have known in this nation, accusations from faceless groups often serve as tools of defamation rather than instruments of truth-seeking. It is, therefore, essential to first question the credibility of claims made by such entities, especially since they have volunteered no evidence nor have, they been forthcoming. From the suffixes attached to their names, the duo claims to be clerics and as we know, Christianity frowns at lies, defamation and libel. This is why there is a compelling need to first ascertain the identities of these rabblerousers who it will appear are not only out to disparage Goni and Shettima but also the Christian faith.

The above has become pertinent because numerous reputable anti-corruption civil societies have vehemently refuted the allegations against Alkali and Shettima. The Coalition Against Corruption and Electoral Offenses and Malpractice (CCEOM) having carried out a thorough investigation have debunked the claims by Pastor Abdullahi and Reverend Kallamu as “concoction of blatant lies, raising false alarm on corrupt practices within the leadership of NEDC. These organizations, known for their rigorous investigative methodologies and commitment to transparency, have found the claims to be baseless, false, and malicious. Their independent assessments carry substantial weight in debunking the accusations. Such support underscores the integrity of both individuals and their dedication to upholding ethical standards in public service.

It is worrisome that the group making these accusations has failed to present any credible evidence to substantiate their claims. As we know, allegations without concrete proof are mere conjecture and innuendo, lacking the legitimacy required to tarnish the reputations of public figures. It is no wonder then, that in response to these unsubstantiated claims, Vice President Shettima and Goni Alkali have rightfully petitioned the Inspector General of police to invite and possibly prosecute the duo for attempting to cause them reputational damage. While we commend this action which is a demonstration of the VP and NEDC chair’s avowed commitment to accountability and a willingness to confront baseless allegations through the proper channels of justice, it is my belief that the duo be compelled to either take the stand or return to the press to counter themselves. Nigeria is fast becoming a place where individuals hide under the cover of freedom of expression and free press to take potshots at leaders for reasons of a selfish hue, blackmail and dirty politics. It is high time some people got used to creating a precedence of order. Let people know that although speech is free, that freedom comes with a responsibility. We must create a culture of deterrence and accountability.

It is indeed quite disheartening that anyone will aim to disparage Goni Alkali, who as the CEO of the Northeast Development Commission, has been instrumental in driving forward initiatives aimed at socio-economic development in the region. Under his leadership, the NEDC has made significant strides in areas such as infrastructure development, healthcare, and education. His tenure has been marked by transparency and a focus on delivering tangible benefits to communities affected by insurgency and socio-economic challenges. Reverend Kallamu’s community of Dikwa for instance has featured in so many programmes of NEDC and one begins to wonder where he thought the funds to execute the projects came from.

But if we are shocked that Abdullahi and Kallamu would go after Goni, then we must be flummoxed at the decision to rope-in Vice President Kashim Shettima, a respected statesman and former Governor of Borno State into their dirty scheme. The VP has maintained a long-standing record of unwavering commitment to integrity and public service. Throughout his career, Shettima has prioritized initiatives that improved the welfare of the people of Borno, in particular, and the citizens of Nigeria in general. Particularly, Shettima’s record of stellar and exemplary service in conflict-affected regions of Northeast Nigeria continues to hold firm. Without mincing words, Shettima’s leadership has been characterized by empathy, pragmatism, and a firm stance against corruption and it becomes worrisome when some riffraff decides to wake up and cast aspersions on his name.

Let it be known that the accusations of corruption leveled against Goni Alkali and Vice President Kashim Shettima are unfounded and lack any substantive basis. These claims have been refuted by credible anti-corruption civil societies and are propagated by a faceless group without the courage to stand behind their allegations with evidence. It is just as well that Vice President Shettima has elected to pursue legal action against these characters.

As responsible citizens, it is crucial to scrutinize claims of corruption with objectivity and demand accountability from those making such accusations. Baseless attacks on the reputations of individuals like Alkali and Shettima not only undermine their contributions but also erode public trust in governance and accountability systems. This is why the IGP must thoroughly investigate Abdullahi and Kallamu and ensure that the lie is exposed, and the consequence of their diarrhea of the mouth fully delivered.

Dr. Daniel writes from Abuja

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