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Palliatives: Benue Takes Possession Of 17,940 Bags Of Maize, 4,324 Bags Of Garri

Independent 4 days ago

MAKURDI – Benue State Government has declared that the presentation of grains to vulnerable people in the state by the Federal Government (FG) is a step towards the recovery and rebuilding of communities affected by natural disasters among other calamities.

This is even as the FG donated the state 17,940 bags of 50kg of maize as well as 4,324 bags 25kg garri, through the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA).

Sir James Iorpuu, Executive Secretary, State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) also observed that the gesture by the FG would stabilize communities in the state and provide a foundation upon which they can rebuild their lives and livelihood.

He disclosed this during the handing-over of assorted food commodities to Benue state for onward distribution to vulnerable people, to cushion the effect of high cost of food items in the country.

During the symbolic presentation of the grains by NEMA in Makurdi on Thursday, Iorpuu argued that the development was a testament to the FG’s commitment to ensuring food security and providing support to communities in need, particularly in times of crisis.

He said, “Today’s event is not just a ceremonial handing over of grains; it is a demonstration of our shared responsibility to support those among us who are vulnerable and part of the efforts by the FG to mitigate the impact of disasters, conflicts, and food insecurity that have affected various parts of our country, including Benue State.

“Benue State, known for its rich agricultural heritage, has faced significant challenges in recent years, including herder’s farmer’s crisis and devastating floods that have disrupted lives, displaced families, and severely impacted our agricultural sector.

“Despite these challenges, the resilience and strength of the people of Benue have shone through. Today’s presentation of grains is more than just an act of giving; it is a beacon of hope and a step towards recovery and rebuilding.

“The grains we receive today will provide essential sustenance to thousands of families, alleviating hunger and offering relief to those most affected by recent adversities. This generous support will help stabilize our communities and provide a foundation upon which we can rebuild our lives and livelihoods”, he said.

Speaking at the occasion, the
Director-General, NEMA, Zubaida Umar, said Benue has been allocated 17,940 bags 50kg of maize as well as 4,324 bags 25kg garri.

Represented at the occasion by the Zonal Director, NEMA, North Central, Garega Bashir, the Director-General said, “The above food items will be shared equally to all the Local Government Areas (LGAs) in the State.

“Also, based on the directives of Mr President, 20% of the food Items due for each LGA should be given to religious organizations (JNI & CAN) and 3 percent to be given to boarding schools in the LGAs.

The State Governor, Rev Fr Hyacinth Alia who received the grains on behalf of the state commended President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for his continuous support for the needy.

Governor Alia who was represented by his Principal Private Secretary (PPS) Dr Emmanuel Chenge, Gov pointed out that the Government was working assiduously to ensure that in no distance time Benue would feed not only her citizens, but the world as a whole.

He explained that his administration was also working tirelessly to encourage all Benue people to go back to their farms for improved yield.

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