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Can profitability be achieved by being self-taught?

babypips.com 1 day ago

Wish I was self taught or had a mentor to start off. Would’ve saved me a decade of time chasing strategies.

Forums like these are the absolute worst place to “learn” from. I could’ve learned more from flea markets & auction yards than anything off the Internet.

First thing first, welcome to the community, lots of things to explore here.
As regards attaining profitability through self-ed, definitely possible and i myself is a vivid example. No mentor nor model; i went through thick and thin to get what i want - the know-how of trading.
You would be surprised what you’ve learnt surpassed most mentors iQ

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Thank you, trusting what you know and accepting our knowledge is key, very good opinion.

I didn’t understand the opinion

The study of Efficient Market Theory & Auction Theory.

The background for which we are not taught here, but required to profit long-term.

Yes it’s possible but mastering a skill will cost you in time or money and often both. If you don’t have a clear direction, learning path, or fall into cycle of strategy hopping while learning on your own, it will cost you a lot of time.

We can always make more money but we can never get our time back as mortal beings. That’s the part that people overlook when trying to save money.

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You never get back time, it’s probably better to invest in a good method than try to create one.

I think that’s possible since tons of people have done it with resources online. However, learning from others and asking for help can save us a lot of time and headaches.

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As I know, all superb traders come from self-taught. They learn from other the basic, but in implementation they must rely on their own.

Trader who learn from other, most of them are robot kind of trader. When market changes, they will got confused and back to their mentor for more.

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Absolutely, knowledge comes first. Money follows.

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Hi and welcome to Babypips. Yes I think this is possible. Although for me, I started out trading Forex back in 1988 and knew nothing about Forex. I was working overseas as an expatriate and listened to the BBC world service and maintained a log of the GBPUSD. I traded a few times with our Swiss bank using no leverage. Then they told me I could buy and sell up to five times our deposit funds. So I did. One week I earned $8,000 and thought I was a genius. Another week I lost $7,000 and asked myself the question "what happens if the GBPUSD changes by 20%. The answer was I would have lost all my savings. I stopped doing that for nearly 10 years, and took a Greg Secker course about margin trading in London. However, in business, when we were selling industrial cables with a large content of copper, with a six month lead time, I did speculate on quoted prices to customer so the trading never did stop.

It would be a great use of your time to start the babypips Learn Forex free course. That will give you a good grounding. There are other forex forums for content too, but there are many opinions that do not necessarily equate to risk-managed practice.

Start trading as a hobby, and account for your own time as a zero cost. If this starts to be a serious pursuit, with an objective of quantifying money you can earn from it I suggest you limit the time you spend by adding the total number of hours you spend on learning Forex at an arbitrary rate of a minimum wage (£10 per hour or $12 per hour?) so that you have a comparable cost comparison with if you worked in a labouring job and did not take any risk.

I hope this is useful. Welcome to the journey.


It is a very accurate opinion, trading is also alliances

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Ultimately we are the ones who decide on our investments

An exact opinion, with good arguments, your experience counts as an opinion that I will observe, in fact I will start this journey through this platform, its theory of the currency and forex market and its questionnaires are very complete, there are more than 350 topics, I am sure that Seeing it and respecting it as such, I will achieve results. Apparently I’m not the only one who sees the market and investment everywhere, holding and selling at a good time.

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Absolutely! Many traders have become profitable through self-teaching. It requires dedication, practice, and continuous learning from online resources and practical experience. Managing risk and staying updated on market trends are crucial for success.

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