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Bridesmaid Drops Out Of Wedding Party, Starts Obsessing Over Best Man After Seeing His Facebook Pics

boredpanda.com 1 day ago

What happens when you mix a chaotic wedding day with a few charming best men and toss in a wildly unpredictable bridesmaid? Well, you’ve got yourself a real-life soap opera unfolding right before your eyes. While weddings are usually joyous celebrations filled with love and laughter, sometimes they also come with their fair share of drama. This is especially true if you bring in a quirky cast of friends and bridesmaids.

One bride in particular learned this the hard way, smack in the middle of her wedding. Stick around, because this juicy story will have you laughing, cringing, and shaking your head at the same time.

More info: Reddit

Bridesmaid who dropped out of the wedding party 1 week before the event becomes obsessed with the best man she has never met and starts stalking him

Bridesmaid Drops Out Of Wedding Party, Starts Obsessing Over Best Man After Seeing His Facebook Pics

Image credits: Ivan (not the actual photo)

The bride invited her closest friends to be part of her wedding party months before the event, only asking them for minimal expenses, and all her bridesmaids agreed

Bridesmaid Drops Out Of Wedding Party, Starts Obsessing Over Best Man After Seeing His Facebook Pics

Bridesmaid Drops Out Of Wedding Party, Starts Obsessing Over Best Man After Seeing His Facebook Pics

Bridesmaid Drops Out Of Wedding Party, Starts Obsessing Over Best Man After Seeing His Facebook Pics

Bridesmaid Drops Out Of Wedding Party, Starts Obsessing Over Best Man After Seeing His Facebook Pics

Bridesmaid Drops Out Of Wedding Party, Starts Obsessing Over Best Man After Seeing His Facebook Pics

One bridesmaid throws a tantrum 1 week before the wedding saying she can’t afford the endless expenses and drops out of the bridal party, forcing the bride to find a replacement

Bridesmaid Drops Out Of Wedding Party, Starts Obsessing Over Best Man After Seeing His Facebook Pics

Image credits: Eve (not the actual photo)

Bridesmaid Drops Out Of Wedding Party, Starts Obsessing Over Best Man After Seeing His Facebook Pics

Bridesmaid Drops Out Of Wedding Party, Starts Obsessing Over Best Man After Seeing His Facebook Pics

Bridesmaid Drops Out Of Wedding Party, Starts Obsessing Over Best Man After Seeing His Facebook Pics

Bridesmaid Drops Out Of Wedding Party, Starts Obsessing Over Best Man After Seeing His Facebook Pics

Bridesmaid Drops Out Of Wedding Party, Starts Obsessing Over Best Man After Seeing His Facebook Pics

The bridesmaid becomes obsessed with the best man after seeing his Facebook pics, saying she wants to marry him, despite the fact she has never met him

Bridesmaid Drops Out Of Wedding Party, Starts Obsessing Over Best Man After Seeing His Facebook Pics

Image credits: Kawê Rodrigues (not the actual photo)

Bridesmaid Drops Out Of Wedding Party, Starts Obsessing Over Best Man After Seeing His Facebook Pics

Bridesmaid Drops Out Of Wedding Party, Starts Obsessing Over Best Man After Seeing His Facebook Pics

Bridesmaid Drops Out Of Wedding Party, Starts Obsessing Over Best Man After Seeing His Facebook Pics

Bridesmaid Drops Out Of Wedding Party, Starts Obsessing Over Best Man After Seeing His Facebook Pics

Bridesmaid Drops Out Of Wedding Party, Starts Obsessing Over Best Man After Seeing His Facebook Pics

Image credits: Juan Pablo Serrano (not the actual photo)

Later, the woman finds the best man’s phone number, starts flooding him with messages and posts his pics and personal info on a dating site

Bridesmaid Drops Out Of Wedding Party, Starts Obsessing Over Best Man After Seeing His Facebook Pics

Bridesmaid Drops Out Of Wedding Party, Starts Obsessing Over Best Man After Seeing His Facebook Pics

Bridesmaid Drops Out Of Wedding Party, Starts Obsessing Over Best Man After Seeing His Facebook Pics

The bride and her group of friends cut ties with the bridesmaid after she causes a scene at the wedding and starts stalking the best man she is “in love” with

The OP (original poster), together with her university friends Abi and Mel, were close. Mel, the bride, invited her best friends to be bridesmaids, months in advance. Everything seemed perfect until Abi, known for her intense love obsessions, began to fall apart. Back then, social media wasn’t as popular as it is today, with Facebook being the platform of choice for most people, including Abi.

Mel, being a pretty low-maintenance bride, only asked her bridesmaids to purchase inexpensive dresses and wear white shoes of their choice, and planning the bachelorette party didn’t require much. Although being a bridesmaid only required minimal contributions, Abi threw a tantrum over the trivial expenses, claiming she couldn’t keep up. Mel tried to calm her down, but Abi dropped out as a bridesmaid, just a week before the wedding.

Abi still attended the event as a guest, and quickly became obsessed with John, one of the best men. After stalking his Facebook profile, she decided that they were destined to be together, despite never having spoken to him. Her friends laughed it off, thinking it was just another one of her whims.

At the wedding, Abi begged the OP to help her meet John, coming up with a plan that fell apart spectacularly. When the OP finally approached him, Abi froze, leaving her friend in an awkward position, but then she exploded, accusing the OP of trying to steal John from her.

But wait, the drama didn’t end there. At the after-party, Abi sent John a flood of melodramatic messages from a hidden profile, calling him out for ignoring her. She even managed to get her hands on his phone number and created a fake profile of John on a gay escort site, complete with his photos and personal information. This last stunt forced John to change his number, and the friends decided to cut ties with Abi, who continued her dramatic online antics.

Bridesmaid Drops Out Of Wedding Party, Starts Obsessing Over Best Man After Seeing His Facebook Pics

Image credit: Jonathan Nenemann (not the actual image)

To find out more about this story, Bored Panda reached out to the OP for some comments. She told us that Abi’s behavior had always been a bit strange, but the wedding fiasco was a step too far. “We are in a country in Central Europe but with an eastern mindset, so here her behavior back in the day was really strange. Of course, we all had crushes but on people we talked and interacted with. She just used to wake up one day and love someone based on absolutely nothing,” the OP shared.

When asked about her relationship with Abi now, the OP told us that “Nowadays no one speaks with her, and she is still posting some kind of thirst traps online and shares her absurd stories ‘of betrayal and heartbreak’. So, I gather she hasn’t changed much, only the men are different.” The OP joyfully recalls the bride’s reaction to Abi’s wedding gift after the whole debacle, saying that she “got rid of the wedding gift Abi gave her because she believed it was cursed.” Well, that’s one way of dealing with it.

Abi’s actions left many puzzled, so, to shed some light on her behavior, Bored Panda consulted Dr. Fred Penzel Ph.D., a licensed psychologist and expert in the field. He shared with us that “People were obsessing about other people long before there was an internet. The internet just became one more possible source of things to obsess about. There are situations where people become obsessed with other people and the cause is not OCD. A good example of this is erotomania or de Clerambault’s Syndrome, where someone believes that another individual is in love with them, and they are even in a relationship.”

Dr. Penzel continues to explain that stalkers often suffer from erotomania, or some other type of delusion disorder. He emphasizes the importance of not confusing delusion disorders with obsessive disorders, also known as OCD, which is a debilitating and torturous disorder.

“No one really knows why someone develops any particular obsession. You could spend years trying to analyze why someone became obsessed with something or someone and it would all just be pure speculation,” Dr. Penzel shared with Bored Panda.

Dr. Penzel’s insights into obsession shed light on how intense emotions can manifest in dramatic ways, even during what should be joyous occasions. As Abi’s story illustrates, weddings can sometimes reveal unexpected complexities in human behavior. But one thing’s for sure: whether it’s a bridesmaid’s antics or a groom’s hidden talents for breakdancing, love isn’t the only thing that makes weddings entertaining.

What did you think of this story? Share your thoughts and let us in on your weirdest wedding stories in the comments.

People in the comments say that the bridesmaid’s behavior is not normal and she is probably suffering from a mental disorder

Bridesmaid Drops Out Of Wedding Party, Starts Obsessing Over Best Man After Seeing His Facebook Pics

Bridesmaid Drops Out Of Wedding Party, Starts Obsessing Over Best Man After Seeing His Facebook Pics

Bridesmaid Drops Out Of Wedding Party, Starts Obsessing Over Best Man After Seeing His Facebook Pics

Bridesmaid Drops Out Of Wedding Party, Starts Obsessing Over Best Man After Seeing His Facebook Pics

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