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Akol, Madol finding amicable solutions to party registration fee dispute

eyeradio.org 3 days ago
Eng. James Akol, the Chairperson of the Political Parties’ Council during Dawn show on Tuesday Dec. 19, 2023 - Moses Awan/Eye Radio

The Political Parties Council and Justice Ministry are trying to find an amicable solution to the stalemate over the 75,000-US US dollar registration fee imposed on political parties, according to chairperson James Akol.

May 20, 2024, Justice Ruben Madol Arol declared the registration fees imposed on political parties by the Political Parties Council Chairperson null and void.

This was after fourteen political parties threatened to sue the Political Parties’ Council at the East African Court of Justice over what they described as unreasonable and illegal registration fees imposed on them.

During this Tuesday, Justice Minister Ruben Madol said his office was yet to respond to a petition by the Chairperson of the Political Parties Council asking him to reverse his order nullifying the $75,000 registration fee.

Justice Madol was responding to a question raised by lawmaker Joseph Bol Agwa regarding his previous order declaring the $75,000 registration fee as null and void.

Speaking on the Dawn Show this morning, the PPC Chairperson James Akol said they are trying to find an amicable way between the two institutions to sort out the matter.

“So, as a council, we are trying to find an amicable way between the two institutions to sort that thing out. So, we shall be realigning the matter and it will be communicated once it is re-aligned but we the Political Parties Council and the Minister of Justice, we are working on the matter.”

According to James Akol, the amount was reached at after the council realized many aspire to register their political parties.

Akol said the fee was allocated in US Dollars but is payable in South Sudan pound based on the official Central Bank rate.

Giving a breakdown of the fee, he said 20,000 US dollars is charged for party name and symbol search, $15,000 for pre-usage of information, and 3,000 US dollars for verification of application.

Akol further says, the institution charges 2,000 US dollars for provisional enrollment and $10,000 for certificate of provisional registration.

Meanwhile, an amount of $8,000 is charged for the confirmation of requirements, $2,000 for pre-usage of information verification of information, whereas prove of compliance costs a fee of $5,000 and certificate of full registration at $10,000.

Akol however said the 75,000 dollars fee was only applicable to parties that are getting registered for the first time and that, previously registered parties will only pay for the certificate of provisional registration to renew their certificate.

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