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Everybody Had Warned Me Not To Marry This Man Because Of His Disability, But I Was… – Lady Narrates

newsslip.com 3 days ago

Valentine, a mother of four, has narrated how everybody warned her not to marry her now husband because of his disability, but love prevailed. According to her, after she met her husband, named Longine, she was still young, and she fell in love with him. He proposed to her after being rejected by other girls due to his disability. When she broke the news to her family, they were all against it and...𝐑̲𝐄̲𝐀̲𝐃̲ 𝐅̲𝐔̲𝐋̲𝐋̲ 𝐀̲𝐑̲𝐓̲𝚰̲𝐂̲𝐋̲𝐄̲ 𝐅̲𝐑̲𝐎̲𝐌̲ 𝐓̲𝐇̲𝐄̲ 𝐒̲𝐎̲𝐔̲𝐑̲𝐂̲𝐄̲>>

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