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34 Random Bits of Trivia Deliberately and Articulately Uttered by a Disconcertingly Conscious Baby

cracked.com 1 day ago

Forget ‘mama’ or ‘dada,’ our first word was ‘facts’!

Don’t tell our spouses, but we’ve been secretly repeating “facts” over and over to our babies behind their backs. They can try to get the little ones to say “mama” or “dada” all they want, but we’re determined. They might be upset with us at first, but they’ll thank us when those fact-focused kids know more than us all combined!

WEIRD WORLD Eric Clapton sued a 55-year-old German widow-and, yes, he actually won. What was the suit over? Selling a bootleg CD for $11 on eBay. CRACKED.COM
WEIRD WORLD Usain Bolt said he can thank Mario Kart for all his extraordinary success. 20% Mario Kart and Mortal Kombat, to be specific - he says his love of gaming really helped him in becoming an Olympic Champion. CRACKED.COM
WEIRD WORLD A top British official who investigated lockdown parties held one of his own. Specifically, he was supposed to investigate lockdown parties being held in government ... ... and then it turned out they held one in his office. CRACKED.COM
WEIRD WORLD North and South Korea have finally agreed in principle to end their war. It had been dragging on for 70 years without ever being formally ended, and now they've agreed to do just that - again, in principle. CRACKED.COM
WEIRD WORLD Gwyneth Paltrow backed a crypto miner, and it crashed right off the bat. Not long after TeraWulf Inc., a crypto mining company, went public, its shares dropped 40% on Nasdaq. CRACKED.COM
WEIRD WORLD A superintendent of the New York's MTA drives around with a blow-up doll. Specifically, he keeps it in the front seat -he says it's just to keep him company, but apparently it's a way to get around a specific law. CRACKED.COM
WEIRD WORLD A guy stole $23,500 from his girlfriend by pulling up her eyelid when she was asleep. Не did that to activate facial recognition on her phone, and it definitely worked - but he eventually got sentenced to 3.5 years in prison for it. CRACKED.COM
WEIRD WORLD Twitch, owned by Amazon, banned an Amazon Prime Video channel over a breast. twitch Japanese Commentary English Commentary - - A presenter's breast was accidentally revealed during a live airing, and Twitch brought out the banhammer right away. CRACKED.COM
WEIRD WORLD A five-year-old caught driving had the most adorable explanation for doing that. Не told cops that he was just out trying to buy a present for his sister, apparently. CRACKED.COM
Nearly every fifth U.S. president has died in office. 18.6% of all U.S. presidents before Donald Trump have died on the job. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM
Parasite has a nod to Pink Floyd. ANOTHER BRICK ANOTHER BRICK Mr. Park's company is called Another Brick -- because Pink Floyd was Bong Joon-ho's favorite band when he was in college. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM
Target lets law enforcement agencies use its forensics lab (for free). Their lab is so advanced, it's one of only two dozen or so private labs accredited by the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM
In January 2014, 90 farting COWS in Germany blew off the roof of their farm shed. They farted so much, the build-up of methane gas caused an explosion that damaged the roof of the shed they were kept in. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM
For over a decade, a Canadian has been spending a month in Thailand every year just to care for stray dogs. Dominique Rousselle, a retired teacher in his 60s, feeds stray dogs, treats their infections, ticks, fleas, and other health problems, and takes them to the vet for major procedures. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM
Home Alone's movie-within-a-movie was shot in one day, in an abandoned high school gym. They filmed Angels with Filthy Souls on a sound stage in the New Trier West High School gymnasium (which was used for a lot of Home Alone's interior shots, too). NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM
Steve Jobs is buried in an unmarked grave, and people are trying to find it. ALTA MESA MEMORIAL FASS 695 ALTA MESA CEMETERY and FUNERAL HOME His family requested an unmarked grave (in Alta Mesa Memorial Park) for privacy, but fans apparently don't care - they're looking for the grave anyway. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM
In Billy Madison, Adam Sandler really hit kids with dodgeballs. When one of them started crying during the filming of the dodgeball scene, his parents came up to Sandler and complained. Sandler asked Didn't they read the script? and the parents told him They're six, they don't read yet. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM
A U.S. Navy underwater living experiment relied on a trained dolphin. SEALAB II, a 45-day mission that investigated how humans would react to living underwater, involved Tuffy the bottlenose dolphin. Tuffy was trained to take mail to people living in the underwater station, and to carry tools from the station to the divers working outside. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM
Mark Hamill burst a blood vessel while filming the trash compactor scene in Star Wars. Не made his face red on purpose so he'd look like he's really really straining, but he overdid it and burst a blood vessel in his eye. It was so obvious, they had to make sure the camera wouldn't catch it until it healed. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM
Kazakhstan waged a media campaign against Sacha Baron Cohen over Borat. adidas PABLO ESCOLATA To fight the portrayal of their country in Borat, the Kazakhs ran TV ads and a New York Times insert. Cohen responded in-character as Borat, saying that claims that women are treated equally, and that all religions are tolerated are disgusting fabrications. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM
In 2003, a metal detector at the Athens airport was set off by a chastity belt. The British woman (who was flying to London) wearing the belt explained that her husband made her wear it to ensure she'd be faithful while she visited Greece. They let her board the plane. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM
The first on-screen Nick Fury wasn't Samuel L. Jackson, but David Hasselhoff. Не played Fury in the 1998 TV movie Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and he said he'd love to play him again (for what that's worth). CRACKED.COM
Mealworms can chew up and plastic and still remain a good source of protein. And not just any plastic - they can eat potentially toxic plastic additives, and they're totally fine (and can be consumed later). CRACKED.COM
A 47-year-old British guy was totally addicted to eating Irish sausages. He'd eat up to 13 sausages every day, and kept a supply at home. I genuinely cannot bear the thought of living without sausages, he said. CRACKED.COM
In 1831, the Paris Opera hired people to sit in the audience and clap enthusiastically. They were organized into a body of professional applauders, called the claque, and were disguised to look like regular opera-goers. CRACKED.COM
The Irish word for road originally comes from the word for cow path. Bóthar just means road today, but it used to mean cow path, and the definition was strict - it meant a road wide enough for two COWS to pass side by side. CRACKED.COM
Some animals, including most fish, lizards, and snakes, can grow forever. The only constraints are their diet and environment - if they didn't get killed by predators, diseases, or accidents, they could, in theory, grow to any size. CRACKED.COM
The first motor vehicle accident happened before the US was founded. One of Cugnot's inventions It was in 1771 - the French engineer Nicolas Joseph Cugnot, who had invented several simple road vehicles, crashed one into a stone wall. CRACKED.COM
The oldest known bathtub is from Greece, and it's almost 4,000 years old. They found it in the Palace of Knossos, Crete, and it's from 1700 B.C. Ancient Greeks were really into tubs - alabaster and ceramic ones were dug up in Greek cities. CRACKED.COM
Legendary furniture designers Charles and Ray Eames got their start in WWII. SAS They designed plywood parts (including wing parts, gliders, and tail sections) for U.S. Navy planes - which really helped them hone their craft. CRACKED.COM
James Cameron wanted to make Alita: Battle Angel way back in the mid '90s. Не took about 600-1000 pages of notes and was ready to go in 1995, but the special effects technology wasn't there yet (plus, Titanic got in the way). CRACKED.COM
In 1979, a great chef cooked Werner Herzog's boots (with spices and seasoning). Herzog promised he'd eat his shoe if young filmmaker Errol Morris finished his first movie - Morris did so, and Herzog followed suit. CRACKED.COM
In 1996, Demi Moore was the highest-earning female actor (thanks to Striptease). Her salary was a then-unprecedented $12.5 million - for a movie which, today, is considered one of the worst movies ever made. CRACKED.COM
In Tanzania, somebody narrates movies for people as they watch them. People who do that are known as video jockeys, or VJs, and they re-enact dialogue, comment on what's happening, and fade the soundtrack in and out. CRACKED.COM
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