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Still Warm, but no Extreme Heat

whdh.com 2 days ago

As a famous lawyer once said… “WE DID IT!” (that’s Elle Woods from Legally Blonde if you didn’t get the reference).

We made it through the extreme heat, our first heat wave of the year and some of the hottest June temperatures on record for the city of Boston! While we don’t have the extreme heat in the forecast, it’s still full of warm and even hot air over the next seven days. This morning is no different. We’re off to a warm and muggy start and we’ll stay that way until noon, when we go on two separate journeys this afternoon. We quickly climb through the 70s and eventually 80s this afternoon. So until noon we’re warm and humid and have a similar feel to the last couple of mornings.

Inland spots will warm all afternoon (not to level of the last few days, though) and the coast will start to cool. We’ll drop into the 70s on the water while we warm to the mid and upper 80s on the 495 corridor and west of it.

By this evening, that cooler air will take over and we’ll all have a refreshing evening, at least compared to what we’ve dealt with for most of the week.

That said, by this evening we’ll also have to dodge a few storms — starting by early afternoon. The Celtics parade will be fine, for the most part. The parade starts at 11am and I think by noon we’ll start to pop up a few ISOLATED showers. At this point they will just be light showers. But as those showers grow into the afternoon, they will eventually become scattered showers, storms and downpours. Like the last few days, not everyone sees a storm, but if you do they have the potential to give you some very heavy rain and perhaps some flooding as there isn’t a ton of upper level winds to push these things along. The storm and downpour risk will stay with us until around sunset (8pm ish).

The weekend forecast has a little bit of something for everyone. If you’re excited for some cooler air (at this point, who isn’t) we have that. Or, if you like it warm (but not the extreme heat) we have that too.

Saturday is the cooler of the two days with temperatures around 80°. Inland spots will likely climb to the lower 80s in the afternoon with the coast holding in the 70s. There is a LOW chance of a pop up storm Saturday with that being most likely farther inland. Even there, it’s about a 20-30% chance.

Sunday is a warmer day with many of us back up near 90° — more typical summer heat. The breeze will pick up and you’ll notice that. That same breeze will cool the Cape and Islands. Again, Sunday will feature a pop up storm chance in the afternoon and evening.

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