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The Enigmatic Time Capsule Unearthed: Secrets Found Beneath Philip Schuyler Revealed

apexlifehub.com 2 days ago

It was a historic day on May 8, 1925, when philanthropist George Hawley buried a bronze box containing precious artifacts underneath a circular foundation that held a statue of Revolutionary War hero, Major General Philip Schuyler, in front of Albany's City Hall. The noble intention was for future generations to uncover the treasures hidden beneath. Nearly a century later, on June 10, 2023, Albany County's Department of General Services unearthed the statue and discovered the long-forgotten time capsule. The artifacts, including 10 volumes of Munsell's Annals of Albany, Hopkins' Atlas of the City of Albany, and personal items belonging to George Hawley and his late wife, were transferred to the Albany Institute of History and Art for public display.

Unveiling the Time Capsule
Under the expert curation of Diane Shewchuk, the exhibition titled 'The Time Capsule: What We Found Under Philip Schuyler' opened its doors on December 4, showcasing the intriguing contents from the buried time capsule. Originally scheduled to end on February 20, the exhibit's popularity led to an extension until Sunday, June 23. Furthermore, visitors can explore the exhibit for free on Juneteenth, Wednesday, June 19, as part of the museum's special free entry day.

The Tale of George Hawley
A prominent figure in Albany's history, George Hawley's philanthropy and love for his late wife, Theodora, led him to commission the statue of Schuyler. The Dobler Brewing Company owner's dedication to preserving history and beautifying the city culminated in the installation of the iconic statue in 1925. Despite the recent controversy surrounding Schuyler's statue due to his slave-owning history, the artifacts from the time capsule now reside at the Albany Institute of History and Art, awaiting their future.

Future Plans
While there are no immediate plans to reinstall the exhibition, curator Diane Shewchuk hinted at the possibility of incorporating some artifacts into future exhibitions if they align with the thematic content. As the intriguing story of George Hawley's time capsule continues to fascinate visitors, the legacy of the Schuyler statue and its historical significance remain an integral part of Albany's rich heritage.

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