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Nigeria’s Capital Importation Rises By 210% To $3.37m Q1, 2024.

libertytvradio.com 2 days ago

A newly released report by the National Bureau of Statistics, NBS, said total capital importation into Nigeria rose by 210.16 per cent to $3.376 million dollars in the first quarter of 2024.

Import and export
Import and export

According to the report, the rise was from 1.088 million dollars recorded in the fourth quarter of 2023.

The increase is higher than the 1.132 million dollars recorded in the first quarter of 2023, indicating an increase of 198 per cent.

Further details in the report showed that Portfolio Investment ranked top with 2.075 million dollars, accounting for 61per percent, followed by other investments with 1.181 million dollars, accounting for about 35 per cent.

Foreign Direct Investment recorded the least with 119 million dollars representing 3.53 per cent) of total capital importation in the first quarter of2024.

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