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At the Nîmes museum, travel back in time on the trail of the dinosaurs

bobrtimes.com 2 days ago

At the Nîmes museum, travel back in time on the trail of the dinosaurs

A la découverte des géants disparus.

Squelettes reconstitués et dinosaures animés pour remonter le temps, à la galerie Jules-Salles à Nîmes.

No man has ever encountered a living dinosaur… But extinct animals fascinate young and old alike. With its summer exhibition "On the trail of dinosaurs, from Gard to the Americas" at the Jules-Salles gallery, the natural history museum invites you to rediscover these giants.

Produced in collaboration with the Dinopedia parks and the Aix-en-Provence museum, the exhibition brings together life-size dinosaurs with animation and sound as well as fossil reconstructions, in an atmosphere inviting you to discover paleontology. The skeleton of the famous Tyrannosaurus Rex which measured 12 meters long is impressive, as is that of the Triceratops with its three-horned face. The exhibition also allows you to discover less famous dinosaurs such as the coelophysis which lived gregariously in New Mexico or the quetzalcoatlus, an immense flying reptile which lived at the same time.

Dinosaurs in the region

A few million years ago, these mastodons populated the region. Fossils have been found in Montmirat in the Gard, in Villeveyrac in the Hérault or in several Var sites. The Aix-en-Provence region is known for its dinosaur egg deposits. Since the 1950s, excavations have multiplied at the foot of Sainte-Victoire, while leaving many mysteries remaining, in the absence of fossilized embryos. However, fairly similar shells were found in Argentina, suggesting that they could be titanosaurs, the famous long-necked vegetarian giants.

A more scientific part of the exhibition shows the relationships that exist between contemporary birds and their prehistoric ancestors. The connection between a leg of æpiornis from Madagascar and a fossil of rhabdodon discovered at Trets in Bouches-du-Rhône is particularly striking… Because the genetic discoveries are astonishing, the canary descends from dinosaurs and crocodiles are closer to sparrows than to snakes!

Until November 24. Tuesday to Friday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.-30 p.m.

Summer at the museum, visits and activities

Free access à the exhibition and the museum's collections, this Sunday July 7 as well as Sunday August 4, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.< /p>

Guided tours of the exhibition ’On the trail of dinosaurs, from Gard to the Americas", in July, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays , Fridays à 11am; then on the 1st, 2nd, 16th, 27th, 29th and 30th August, 11am. Thursdays August 8 and 22, immersive visit "Time Travel with Darwin Junior" à 11 a.m., meeting with Darwin Junior from 2 p.m.   4:30 p.m. 8 €, 6 €, free – 18 years old.

Discovery of the collections with the museum's mediators, in the zoology room, July 9, 11, 16, 18, 19, 27, 29, 30 August, 2 p.m. 4 p.m.; in the prehistory room, July 12, 23, 25, 26, 30, 31, August 1, 2, 16, from 2 p.m. to ; 4 p.m. Included in the entrance ticket.

Muséum d’natural history, 13 boulevard Amiral-Courbet, Nîmes. 5 €, 3 €. 04 66 76 73 45.

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