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Stelladimokokorkus 2 days ago



My guy gets angry each time he wakes up and gives me instructions without minding how i feel about the whole thing. He does not discuss issues with me before informing me but will just call and tell me meet me up so so place at so so time i want to do this and that. 

When i tell him nope i have some things to do or say its not convenient for me it becomes a problem.
We are planning our introduction come October 2024. I feel he does not like me to express myself, should i be afraid or not?

RED FLAG!!!!....Yes, you should not be afraid but be very very worrried...Study the situation again to see if you really wanna marry someone who behaves like this...Marriage takes two to make it work and if he is already showing that your say does not matter then thae marriage would be DOA (Dead on arrival)

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