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The responsibility of parents

euroweeklynews.com 1 day ago

The Swedish Liberals´ Johan Pehrson has once again highlighted the importance and responsibility of parents in children´s development in his speech in Almadalen. 

Pehrson especially focused on the father´s role in the child´s life; “I think Sweden would do well with a little more father anxiety. We need more adult men who take greater responsibility for their children´s upbringing.” 

In the same week of June, the Liberal Party launched a proposal for a “parental contract”, for students at risk of failing primary school. This is a contract “where the parents undertake to set limits and set rules for the child´s homework, sleep, free time and screen habits.” 

Pehrson emphasised the importance of technology in children´s upbringing, stating that the Party has developed proposals for tech companies and the internet giants to “take greater responsibility for children’s vulnerability online.” 

“We need to see a new public education movement rise against the eternal scrolling by the screen,” he argued, determined to change the current habits of children.

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