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Trump, Vance must continue to be criticized for betraying truth on abortion, same-sex 'marriage'

lifesitenews.com 2024/10/5


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Donald Trump and JD Vance

(LifeSiteNews) — LifeSiteNews readers and personal friends have chided me for my public criticisms of Donald Trump – and more recently, JD Vance – over the last few years.

I am in no way attempting to derail their campaign. However, having spent many years of my life fighting – as an adoptive father – against the evils of abortion and – as a former gay man – against the preposterous notion of same-sex “marriage,” I feel it would be disingenuous for me to ignore glaring, dangerous weaknesses that have emerged in their platform.

It’s not that I want them to lose. Far from it! I am, nonetheless, dedicated to holding their feet to the fire on issues of enormous consequence concerning the right to life and the protection and prosperity of marriage and family life.

Why? Because these are issues that are of critical importance to children who have no voice in the political arena concerning whether or not their lives are snuffed out in their mothers’ wombs, or whether or not Mom or Dad is erased or traded out for two parents of the same sex. Children need and deserve both a mom and a dad.

I’ve called out the former president for his repeated signaling of accepting the complete normalization of homosexuality and same-sex “marriage” within the GOP.

When it comes to a choice between natural law and the Marxist deconstruction of the western world, I choose natural law.

And when it comes to reverentially supporting timeless principles and immutable definitions – such as the complementarity of male and female – it’s a no brainer. Same -sex “marriage” is a recent contrivance of woke-Marxism buoyed by the political muscle acquired over the last couple of decades by the LGBT political movement.

And now Trump and Vance have made it perfectly clear that they are willing to wave the white flag of surrender regarding these issues, at least to some degree.

Trump and Vance are not alone: The trajectory of capitulation toward normalizing homosexuality and same-sex “marriage” has been going on for a very long time within the GOP.

But surrender does not indicate closure. On the contrary, it signals future ceding of even more important ground that Christianity has won over millennia.

It’s a surrender to a nightmarish pre-Christian pagan way of life, and to a life that our Founding Fathers never could have envisioned.

I will most certainly vote in the next election, but I will be vocal about protecting the lives of all children, including every single boy and girl yet to be born.

A vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz would be a vote for turning the USA into a Marxist nightmare.

What’s at stake

There’s a battle going on for the soul of the newly emerging populist/conservative political coalition involving titanically important issues for the future of our nation but which remain either willfully overlooked or off the radar of many engaged observers.

To simply shrug your shoulders over the normalization of homosexuality and same-sex marriage is precisely what gay activists set out to get you to do decades ago! This has been the strategy of the LGBT movement since 1989: to make you give up caring about manufactured gay “rights” because you now find the topic thoroughly tiresome.

Here’s what’s at stake: Will conservatives assert the immutable nature of human beings as male and female, or will that which is known by science and clearly visible in nature be tossed into the dumpster of history in favor of misguided political opportunism? Will the GOP continue to recognize the supreme importance of complementarity?

Put another way: As gay, lesbian, and transgender individuals rightly stream away from the Democrat Party and find a new home under the Republican tent, the GOP must assert more clearly and boldly than ever that marriage is between one man and one woman; that there are precisely two sexes; and that nobody is “born in the wrong body” or “born that way.”

These are non-negotiable for conservatives, for Christians, and for all thinking, reasoning people.

Conservative elites, whether members of the political, academic, media, or corporate classes, need to once again relentlessly pursue intellectual honesty and integrity regarding creeping LGBT influence within their ranks.

But that is not what is happening. Led by Trump and Vance, the GOP is headed in the wrong direction, away from timeless truths and immutable definitions.

What’s more, this is not just about party politics. We are engaged in an epic spiritual battle.

As Monsignor Charles Pope has wonderfully pointed out: saints have died to protect these truths.

I’ve come to admire Blessed Jerzy Popiełuszko, who helped an entire nation escape communism and triggered a cascade of freedom across a continent. He was martyred in 1984 by communist authorities in Poland for his truth-telling.

Popiełuszko said:

God instilled in man a desire for truth. This is why man thirsts for the truth and despises Falsehood… To live in truth is the basic minimum of human dignity, even if the price to defend the truth could be costly. You need to always remain faithful to the truth. Truth can never be betrayed.

Truth can never be betrayed.

Doug Mainwaring is a journalist for LifeSiteNews, an author, and a marriage, family and children's rights activist.  He has testified before the United States Congress and state legislative bodies, originated and co-authored amicus briefs for the United States Supreme Court, and has been a guest on numerous TV and radio programs.  Doug and his family live in the Washington, DC suburbs.

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