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Demon seagull tries to eat pigeon as psycho bird terrorises creatures in UK street attack

Daily Star 4 days ago

Residents were left horrified after witnessing a psycho seagull lunge towards a poor pigeon and pick it up with its beak - one local described the demonic bird as a 'Jack Russel with wings'

Seagull attacking a pigeon
Residents say the 'monster' gull lunged at the poor pigeon

A vicious seagull attacked a pigeon over some leftover food. Residents in Glasgow, Scotland, were left horrified after witnessing a demon seagull swoop down and surround a flock of pigeons.

The pigeons were being fed breadcrumbs from passersby before the giant bird reportedly lunged at one of them, picking it up with its beak, and carrying it into the air.

Luckily, the traumatised pigeon managed to break free and fly away from the 'monster', which has been described by one member of the public as a 'Jack Russell with wings'. It comes after one town in England has come under siege by a threatening gang of gulls nicknamed The Club.

Terrifying pictures show the psycho bird bombing down on the pigeons before targeting a significantly smaller pigeon.

Pigeons being attacked
Blood splattered onto the street from the vicious attack

One horrified local who witnessed the event said: "I caught sight of this monster in Glasgow. They really are monsters. I found it interesting that this one had zero interest in the bread.

"It was just using it as a distraction to savage pigeons. I only started filming because it had already badly mauled a previous one that only just got away, leaving spots of blood."

Another passerby accused the gull of having 'the devil in its eye'. A third said: "That's one tough bird," while a fourth remarked: "What a beastie."

Seagull attacking pigeon
The gull has been dubbed a 'Jack Russell with wings'

Viewers were left equally shocked at the spectacle, with one person writing: "I saw a seagull gobble down a living pigeon in Blackpool. It was unexpected and brutal."

On Poldhu Road and Cardinnis Gardens in Liskeard, Cornwall , residents are afraid to even walk out to their car in fear of an aggressive colony of herring gulls that have been terrorising people. It is thought more than 60 birds are swooping down on locals in a vicious attempt to steal their ice cream or pasty, and have clearly taken a dislike to posties.

"Last week I met one postman who told me he'd swapped his normal uniform for neutral colours, grey and beige because he'd been told gulls don't like red," one woman, whose mum lives on the estate, said. "It seems ridiculous that it has come to this."

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