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Does God answer our prayers when we sin?

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Does God answer our prayers when we sin

Does God answer our prayers when we sin?

Does God answer our prayers when we sin? Every Christian knows that sinning against God breaks his heart because he loves us.

Most times, our flesh does its best to please itself by getting involved in sin. No matter how spiritual we are, the devil doesn’t stop tempting us.

There will always be temptation and trials in our lives because the enemy wants to destroy us. After Jesus Christ did his fasting for 40 days and nights, the Devil came to tempt him.

In order for us to overcome our fleshly desire to sin, we must get closer to God. Jesus Christ was able to cast away the devil with the word of God.

Even the devil came to tempt Jesus Christ in the wilderness with the word of God. If we are not careful, the enemy will come to instill doubt in our hearts with words from the Bible.

Sins are the only things that separate us from the love of God. Nothing in these words has the right to take away the love God has for us, only our sinful nature.

Most of us have believed that sin is normal for human beings, but we resist it. After the fall of Adam and Eve, sin became the second nature of man, but God is not happy with that.

Ask for forgiveness.

Does God answer our prayers when we sin pt2

Our heavenly father knows that we are not perfect, but he wants us to learn and grow. Asking for forgiveness is really important because there are so many things that can lead us to sin.

We have to be careful and pay attention to things that can lead us to sin. Sin is not sweet, as the Devil paints it to be, so we must know that it is full of regrets.

Jesus Christ wants the best for us, but we must want according to the will of God. Every morning and every moment, let us make sure that we are asking forgiveness.

There might be things we are doing in our lives that we do not know are sins. Learning and growing are important in the lives of every Christian.

When we spend most of our time getting closer to God, that can help us in our journey in life. Every Christian knows the earth is not our home because we must leave it one day.

If we want to spend the rest of our lives in heaven, we must be in right standing with God. We are not meant to do everything on our own because our strength is limited.

When Jesus Christ was leaving the earth, he knew that we needed help, so that’s why he gave us the Holy Spirit.

Without faith, it is impossible to please God.

Does God answer our prayers when we sin pt3

We must understand that our faith is one of the tools given to us by God. If we are not using our faith, that will make us not want to please God.

Anytime we notice that we have sinned against God, let us ask for forgiveness. There are some people who sin against God intentionally, and that will come with consequences.

Living a sinful life opens doors for the enemy to bring destruction into our lives. If we are too obvious, people around us might notice that people who enjoy sinful lives always regret it in the future.

In order for God to be pleased with us, we must be willing to serve him with all our hearts. Having faith in God means that we trust and love him.

Godly life is more important because it will never lead us to hell. The world has claimed that godly living is boring, but that’s a lie because that’s from the devil.

Godly living opens doors for us, and it will never lead us down the path of regret (Hell). God did not give us his commandments to make our lives difficult.

His commandments and obeying them are for our own advantage because they set directions for us.

  • Proverbs 28:9: “One who turns away his ear from hearing the law, Even his prayer is an abomination.”
  • Psalms 66:18: “If I regard iniquity in my heart, The Lord will not hear.”

Note: Remember to ask for forgiveness and do your best to learn from it.

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