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Why Did ‘Braxton Family Values’ End? The Drama Behind Its Abrupt Cancellation

distractify.com 1 day ago

Content warning: This article mentions suicide.

The Braxton sisters — Toni Braxton, Tamar Braxton, Towanda Braxton, and Trina Braxton — are making a grand comeback on WeTV. But don’t call their new show Braxton Family Values, as the reboot is simply titled The Braxtons.

The sisters and their mother, Evelyn Braxton, plan to show what they’ve been up to since we last saw them.

In addition to updating viewers about what they’ve done individually, the family will also address Traci Braxton’s death. Traci passed away from esophageal cancer in 2022.

Many didn't think Braxton Family Values’ reboot would happen. The show was riddled with financial and personal drama before it unceremoniously ended after nine seasons.

Here’s everything we know about why BFV ended and why the family decided now was the time to come back.

(l-r): Traci Braxton, Tamar Braxton, Evelyn Braxton, Toni Braxton, Towanda Braxton, and Trina Braxton
Source: Getty Images

Why did ‘Braxton Family Values’ end in 2020?

Braxton Family Values gave viewers an inside look into Toni’s and her family’s shenanigans. In addition to the challenging moments, the show had plenty of lighthearted fun to balance it out. But in 2018, the drama between sisters and WeTV became juicier than what was happening on the show.

inequality they received from WeTV. In 2020, Towanda said in a 2022 YouTube post, "The cameramen were making more than us,” stating they were being paid per filming day while the sisters and Evelyn were only paid for each episode.

The Braxtons
Source: Getty Images

In June 2018, the sisters and Evelyn decided to go on strike and refused to work until WeTV resolved their pay discrepancies. However, Traci opted not to join her sisters in the strike and was the only one who returned to film Season 6. In a Braxton Family Values episode, Towanda and Traci said they felt “blindsided” by Traci’s decision but understood she needed to “take her moment.”

The rest of the family eventually returned to film Season 6, which premiered in 2019. However, Tamar’s issues with the network continued in 2020, as she felt the network didn’t support her mental health after her suicide attempt that year. Braxton Family Values eventually ended in 2020 after only six episodes.

The family said they’re filming ‘The Braxtons’ to honor Traci Braxton’s “last wish.”

After a drama-filled experience with WeTV, those who follow the Braxtons were stunned to see them back on reality TV and in business with the network. The sisters likely expected the question to pop up during their show, The Braxtons, and addressed it in the trailer.

“The main reason for wanting to do The Braxtons again is because of Traci,” Toni says in the trailer.

Traci Braxton
Source: Getty Images

Evelyn made a similar comment when she was asked about the return. She told a producer, “She asked us to do this — this was her last wish.” Towanda added that the family decided “it’s important” for them to “tell Traci’s story” since she privately battled her cancer diagnosis.

Tamar Braxton said WeTV gave her a “substantial amount” of money to return to ‘The Braxtons.’

Tamar didn’t address her “why” for joining The Braxtons in the trailer but did so elsewhere. In April 2024, Tamar shared her reasons for saying yes on a live episode of Carlos King’s Reality With the King podcast.

Tamar confirmed that Traci wanted the show during her and Carlos's conversation. She shared that Miss Evelyn wanted her “remaining daughters” to “finish a show that was so important, not just to this community.”

While she told Carlos and her “Tamartians” that she was only a “friend of the show” this time, she said money and respect also played a role in her decision.

“The reason why I came back is because they gave me all of the things that I deserved in the first round,” Tamar said. “Usually when you go to a network and you create a show so big as the Braxtons… you usually get like number one: a real producer credit, number two: producing opportunities to have your own company and producer other shows and things like that. And also, a substantial amount to make you feel better about the situation, and they gave me those things.”

While WeTV probably had to cough up some serious coins, we’re so glad they did!

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