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Shoprite’s digital boost

moneyweb.co.za 3 days ago

E-commerce platform marks the wholesale brand’s venture into e-commerce.

Shoprite Holdings has introduced an online shopping and bulk delivery service tailored for small businesses, including spaza shops. Image: Supplied

Spaza shops and SMEs can now bulk-buy a wide range of goods at highly competitive prices through a fully automated online system. Thanks to Shoprite’s digital solution for its Cash & Carry stores, free delivery is available within a 50km radius of these businesses.

Mark Cotton, head of B2B e-commerce at the Shoprite Group, notes that the South African e-commerce sector largely targets B2C, neglecting the B2B market, which presents a significant opportunity.

The new system streamlines the purchasing and fulfilment process for Cash & Carry’s in-store traders. It allows them to log in, access customer and product information, and build and fulfil orders more efficiently. Orders can also be saved for future use, making the process more user-friendly.

The platform supports multiple online and in-store payment options, including credit and debit cards, EFT, store credit, cash upon collection, and Shoprite’s Money Market Account.

The group noted that spaza shops and smaller retail businesses frequently face major challenges, including high transportation and fuel costs and difficulties meeting demand within the informal sector. Overstocking can also result in high carrying costs, increased theft risk, and cash flow problems.

Commenting on how the B2B has been an “underserved market” Cotton noted: “Customers’ expectations have changed, certainly business customers expectations have changed. The same person placing orders on behalf of their business or that same spaza owner has access to the B2C players, and I think there is an expectation now that for their businesses, they can have the same experience online,” said Cotton.

“The new Cash & Carry digital platform provides customers with reliable and visible stock access and delivery services that eliminate the need to store excess inventory, frees up much-needed cash flow, and gives business owners more time on the shop floor to focus on their customers and business growth,” he continued.

Cotton highlighted a key difference between B2B and B2C markets, noting that many spaza shop owners and SMEs prefer personal relationships with someone at the store where they purchase their stock. As a result, a critical aspect of this e-commerce initiative is enabling sales associates to interact more effectively with customers. Traditionally, this interaction occurred via phone, WhatsApp, SMS, and other methods. The online platform preserves these relationships while enhancing efficiency.

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