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4 Uncommon Startup Concepts That Could Give You An Edge

Forbes 2 days ago

Our entrepreneurial experience and work with clients has thought us that the ability to think outside of the box (which is vital in the world of startups where innovation determines business valuation) isn’t something you are born with, but rather a developed skill. And the best way to develop original thinking is to have a rich toolbox full of diverse mental models that you can pull out and apply to different situation. That’s also the reason why we often explore concepts from philosophy, science and technology.

So, in this article, we continue our mission of exploring the lesser-known concepts in business that can help you think in ways most founders are typically not able to.

1. Effectuation

Effectuation, a concept developed by Saras Sarasvathy, emphasizes starting with available means and focusing on what can be controlled rather than predicting the future. This approach is particularly useful in the uncertain and dynamic environment of startups. Entrepreneurs using effectuation principles leverage their resources, network, and knowledge to create opportunities and adapt to changing circumstances, thereby increasing their chances of success.

One prominent example of effectuation is the story of Grameen Bank, founded by Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus. In the 1970s, Yunus aimed to address poverty in rural Bangladesh. Instead of waiting for large-scale funding or perfect conditions, he started with what he had—a small personal loan of $27 to a group of 42 women. This initial act evolved into a microfinance movement that has since provided loans to millions of people, demonstrating how starting small and leveraging immediate resources can lead to significant impact.

2. Jugaad Innovation

Jugaad, an Indian term meaning frugal innovation, is about finding simple, creative solutions to problems with limited resources. This concept encourages startups to be resourceful and innovative, often leading to cost-effective and efficient solutions.

Mitticool clay refrigerator by Mansukhbhai Prajapati in India is a great example of this principle. Faced with the challenge of preserving food without electricity in rural areas, Prajapati used traditional clay materials to develop a refrigerator that utilizes evaporative cooling. This cost-effective and eco-friendly solution leverages local resources and knowledge, showcasing how startups can innovate under resource constraints to meet significant needs in underserved markets.

3. Customer Development Model

Developed by Steve Blank, the customer development model emphasizes understanding customer problems and needs before developing a product. This approach involves four steps: customer discovery, customer validation, customer creation, and company building. By focusing on customers early in the development process, startups can ensure they are building products that truly address market demands, reducing the risk of failure.

When Dropbox was initially launched, founder Drew Houston adopted the Customer Development Model to validate the product idea before fully developing it. Instead of building the entire software, Houston created a simple video demonstrating how Dropbox would work, showcasing its features and ease of use. This video was shared on platforms like Hacker News, resulting in a surge of sign-ups and validating market interest without extensive investment. This approach enabled Dropbox to gather valuable customer feedback early on, ensuring they were building a product that truly met user needs. By focusing on customer validation first, Dropbox minimized risk and aligned its development with real market demand.

4. Exponential Organizations

Exponential organizations (ExOs) leverage technology to achieve rapid growth and impact. These organizations use scalable technologies, decentralized networks, and innovative business models to grow exponentially rather than linearly. Startups like Airbnb and Uber are examples of ExOs, utilizing platforms and network effects to scale quickly and disrupt traditional industries.

A prime example of an Exponential Organization is Uber. Founded in 2009 by Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp, Uber revolutionized the transportation industry by using a simple mobile app to connect riders with drivers. Instead of owning a fleet of vehicles, Uber created a platform that leveraged existing resources: private car owners looking to earn money. This asset-light approach allowed Uber to scale rapidly without the substantial overhead costs of purchasing and maintaining vehicles. In economic terms, the marginal costs of expanding the opeartions of Uber were extremely low, which made the whole business very scalable.

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