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The Art of Manual Regression Testing

dzone.com 4 days ago

Manual regression testing — a thorough framework that ensures the stability and reliability of your software while navigating through the wave of changes.

The tech world of software development is characterized by fast-paced and constant evolution. Code keeps changing, new features are introduced, and bugs are fixed frequently. These changes are crucial for improving the overall development structure. However, they can also upset the ongoing functionality.

Manual regression testing — a thorough framework that ensures the stability and reliability of your software while navigating through the wave of changes. It systematically retests the existing developed and tested software features once they go through the changes again.

The challenges it copes with are paramount:

For instance:

  • Unforeseen errors can derail the existing functionality.
  • Complex systems such as modern apps are intricate, making testing difficult.
  • Time constraints put development teams under pressure to adjust the release timeline for new updates.

In this guide, we’ll look at manual regression testing, its different types, strengths, and weaknesses, and the steps involved in its ultimate execution. Let’s begin without any further ado.

Types of Manual Regression Testing

Manual regression testing adapts itself to different scenarios with tailor-made strategies. The primary types are as follows:

Corrective Regression Testing

It works by retesting existing functionalities post bug fixes or code refinements. It’s the simplest of all the other types. It serves the function of making sure no new issues have been introduced with the recent fix made to the code. 

Progressive Regression Testing

New modules and features can sometimes affect the existing functionalities and lead to regression. Progressive regression testing checks whether the new additions work smoothly with existing ones. 

Selective Regression Testing

At times, as a tester, you don’t need to test everything. Selective regression testing targets the specific areas of concern that can be damaged due to the new changes made in the code. In this way, companies can save their time and cut their costs.

Complete Regression Testing

It is the most comprehensive and ultimate type of manual software testing. It is time-consuming and costly, but it tests the code completely. Moreover, it provides ultimate assurance when a new release is on the horizon, and significant changes have been made in the code.

Manual vs. Automated Regression Testing

Choosing between manual and automated regression testing depends on various factors. Following is a look at the pros and cons of both test types:

Manual Regressive Testing


  • Human intuition and adaptability to uncover unexpected issues
  • Better for exploratory testing and complex scenarios
  • No initial setup or maintenance overhead


  • Labor-intensive and time-consuming, especially for large projects
  • Possibility of human error 
  • Cost can increase in the long run

Automated Regression Testing


  • Handles repetitive tasks efficiently
  • Easily scalable for large test suites
  • Accurate and consistent results


  • Investment is a pre-requisite for initiation
  • Ongoing maintenance of test scripts is needed
  • May miss edge cases or unexpected issues

When To Choose Manual Testing Over Automation

  • For exploratory testing, where you need to explore the software creatively
  • For testing complex user interfaces or user flows
  • When dealing with frequently changing requirements
  • When your budget or resources are limited

In reality, many organizations use a hybrid approach, combining manual and automated testing to leverage both strengths.

Step-By-Step Guide To Manual Regression Testing

You can ensure effective and reliable software by following these steps diligently and chronologically.

Identify the Changes Made to the Software

The first step should involve reviewing the documentation available on the new changes. These can include change logs, release notes, and similar documents explaining the software’s modifications. You can also talk directly to the developer and get a more detailed and nuanced overview of the nature of the changes introduced. It will also help you enlist your tasks based on the priority. Risk assessment is another crucial metric that can help in this regard by focusing on areas most likely to be affected. 

Determine the Affected Areas of the Software

Assessment of the ripple effects created by new changes in the software is another crucial step that needs to be addressed at the start of the testing process. For this purpose, the correlation between different software parts must be looked closely at. You can also get insights from the previous test reports to identify areas that have been problematic from the start. Similarly, fellow testers and stakeholders can obtain a broader perspective by discussing these trouble areas with the developers. 

Create Regression Test Cases (Or Reuse Existing Ones)

You can create new test cases that target the affected areas directly if you don’t have the existing ones. Prioritization is crucial, creating test cases for areas that demand high functionalities, are frequently used, and involve critical roles in software development. If you want to use the existing test cases, guarantee they are updated and comply with the current software version simultaneously.

Execute Regression Test Cases

Now, it's time to run the tests. Each test case should be executed thoroughly. Make sure each step is followed, and outcomes are verified. Furthermore, keep a record of each test and the unexpected behavior observed. It would help to run the tests on multiple browsers and devices. To check operating system compliance is also fundamental during this step.

Analyze Results and Report Defects

Once you compare the test results with the expected outcomes, any deviation will point toward the regression bugs. At this point, you need to document these defects and include screenshots and other relevant information. Moreover, coordinate closely with the development team and try fixing the critical defects as a priority.

Fix Defects and Re-Test (If Necessary)

As a proactive measure, post defect fixing, re-executing test cases for confirmation, and identifying no new issues have been spotted. Similarly, this re-testing process should be repeated until all the defects have been identified and fixed in the software. These tests will ensure that the software is stable and works fine.

Best Practices for Manual Regression Testing

With automation testing back on the scene, manual regression testing is being undermined. However, according to experts, manual testing remains the critical component of software testing. For effective outcomes of manual regression testing, adhering to these best practices is paramount.

  • All test cases are different and don’t hold equal value. Risk assessment techniques are needed for two important tasks: identification and prioritization of test cases.
  • The application of the test management tool is indispensable in the software quality assurance process. It helps in organizing, tracking progress, and collaborating with the team.
  • Documentation is the key to testing. You must document test cases, outcomes, steps, and any deviations you encounter. It has a useful application — as a reference for future tests.
  • Communication channels among developers, testers, and project managers are crucial for effective results. 
  • As we discussed, software is evolving at a rapid pace. There's a need to update test cases with new updates constantly. You can eliminate the old ones and make new test cases via software updates.


Manual regression testing is vital in maintaining software quality by ensuring new changes do not introduce unexpected regressions. By following this guide’s best practices, you can streamline your manual regression testing process, improve efficiency, and deliver high-quality software.

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