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NCCE Highlights Positive Opposition as Crucial for Proactive Leadership

newsghana.com.gh 2024/9/28
Participants, comprised of a cross-section of students, welcome the Church’s vision of Raising Political Giants for God and Country.
Participants, comprised of a cross-section of students, welcome the Church’s vision of Raising Political Giants for God and Country.

Rev. Vincent Adzika, the Ho Municipal Director of the NCCE, emphasized the importance of embracing opposing views as a cornerstone of effective leadership during the maiden “Lead Conference” of the Pentecost Student Association (PENSA) at the University of Allied Science (UHAS) Ho Chapter.

Addressing the theme “Justice-centred Leadership: Addressing Inequalities for Inclusive Development”, Rev. Adzika underscored the role of justice-centred leadership in fostering fairness, equity, and inclusivity. He highlighted that proactive leaders prioritize listening to and understanding opposing perspectives, viewing them as avenues for constructive dialogue and beneficial outcomes.

In his remarks, Rev. Adzika cautioned against viewing opposition as antagonistic, asserting that leaders who fail to engage with dissenting voices risk stagnation in their leadership journey. He emphasized that positive opposition, focused on improvement rather than mere criticism, is instrumental in achieving collective progress and societal development.

Commending the Church of Pentecost for its Political Chamber Project across tertiary institutions, aimed at nurturing ethical leadership grounded in Christian values, Rev. Adzika applauded efforts to promote civic responsibility and informed political engagement among students.

Brother Godfred Amoah, Vice President of PENSA – UHAS Ho Chapter, elaborated on the Political Chamber’s mission to facilitate robust political discourse and hold elected officials accountable to Christian principles of integrity and moral governance. He emphasized the Chamber’s commitment to infusing biblical teachings into political discourse, aiming to influence positive cultural transformation and uphold justice in public affairs.

Concluding the conference, Mr. Bayeh Magnambi Raymond, President of the PENSA Political Chamber – UHAS Ho Chapter, emphasized the importance of integrity and right motives in aspiring leaders. He encouraged participants to introspectively evaluate their intentions before seeking leadership roles, underscoring the role of personal integrity in fostering effective and ethical leadership.

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