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What A Very Old Man Sees Stooping, A VeryDarkMan Would Not See It, Even While Standing (OPINION)

ndokwareporters.com 2024/10/6
What A Very Old Man Sees Stooping, A VeryDarkMan Would Not See It, Even While Standing (OPINION)
Vincent Martins Otse, popularly known as Verydarkman (VDM)

Once upon a time, in the quiet village of Ndiofia (An imaginary village) there lived an old man named Amamife (An imaginary name). His back was curved like a question mark, and his eyes held the weight of countless seasons. Amamife had seen it all, the rise and fall of empires, the dance of stars, and the ebb and flow of human folly.

One crisp morning, as the sun painted the sky in hues of burnt orange, Amamife sat on the gnarled bench by the village square. Children played tag around him, their laughter like wind chimes. But Amamife was not playing. He was observing.

From his stooped vantage point, Amamife noticed things others missed. The cobblestones, worn smooth by generations of footsteps, whispered secrets. The oak tree, its branches gnarled like his own spine, cradled memories of lovers’ trysts and whispered promises.

The children raced past him, their eyes fixed on the horizon. They saw the world as a canvas waiting to be splashed with color. But Amamife saw the faded brushstrokes, the cracks in the paint, the stories hidden in the shadows.

He watched as a young very dark boy, Onyenzuzu chased his dreams. His eyes sparkled with hope, his heart aflutter with possibilities. But Amamife knew that dreams could be fragile, like spun glass. He had seen dreams shatter against the rocks of reality.

And then, Onyezuzu, the very dark boy with the kite naively relishes in his play. Amamife squinted at the azure sky, tracing the kite’s erratic dance. To Onyenzuzu, the sky was infinite, a playground for his paper creation. But Amamife remembered wars fought under that same sky, the cries of mothers echoing through the ages.

As the sun dipped low, Amamife sighed. His joints creaked, and he wondered if the weight of wisdom was worth the ache. The children had moved on, their laughter fading like echoes in a canyon.

He had seen the wrinkles etched into the village elder’s face, the roadmap of a life well-lived. He had witnessed the kindness exchanged between neighbors, the quiet acts of love that held the world together.

And so, Amamife penned his observations. His quill scratched across parchment, capturing the fleeting beauty of ordinary moments. His words flowed like a river, winding through time.

Dear child,” he wrote, “When you stand tall, you see the horizon. But when you stoop, you see the roots, the tangled threads that bind us all. Cherish both views, for they complete the tapestry of existence.

And so, the villagers gathered around Amamife, their eyes wide with wonder. They listened as he read aloud, his voice a time-worn melody. The reason for their collective inquisitiveness cannot be farfetched, for in the stooping of Amamife, they found the wisdom of ages.

Against the foregoing backdrop, it is germane to opine that from Amamife’s eyes, a perspective that transcends time reminds seemingly childish youths like Onyenzuzu to bend low, to see beyond the obvious, and to honor the stories etched into every crease of human lives.

Given the foregoing imaginary anecdote, it is expedient to advice Vincent Martins Otse, popularly known as Verydarkman (VDM) that sometimes it takes an old man to teach the younger ones how to truly stand.

At this juncture, it is germane to recall that the much-anticipated wedding between pop star, David Adeleke, popularly known as Davido, and his longtime partner, Chioma Rowland, was an event that practically shook Lagos. However, it seems that not all guests received a warm reception. This is as VDM, has found himself at the center of controversy.

VDM, known for his candid commentary on celebrities and extravagant lifestyles, claimed that certain guests were uninvited to the wedding. In a recent video, he specifically called out Nollywood actress Iyabo Ojo, stating that she was not on the guest list. His remarks sparked outrage online, with fans and fellow celebrities expressing their disapproval.

But that is not all. VDM faced further criticism for allegedly not spraying money at the wedding. While other guests participated in the tradition of showering the couple with cash, VDM apparently refrained. Social media erupted with memes and comments, questioning his motives and suggesting that he attended the event merely to enjoy the festivities without contributing financially.

Surprisingly, the Iyabo Ojo and Verydarkman conversation has taken a different turn as the latter calls out nightlife king Obi Cubana for siding with the actress. Verydarkman’s response video came hours after Obi Cubana took to his social media page to call him a small, disrespectful boy who bloggers were enabling. In VDM’s response, he noted that Obi Cubana has never done anything tangible for Nigerian youths but goes about throwing money around for social validation.

At this juncture, it expedient to advise VDM by urging him to start maintaining respectful behavior in his activism, particularly as he is not seeing what not a few elders in the country are seeing regarding the consequences of his disrespectful and cantankerous behavior towards his seniors.

In fact, there is no more auspicious time to offer this advice than now as he does not seem set to sheath his sword anytime soon as his online war with actress Iyabo Ojo takes a new turn. Also, his response hours after nightlife billionaire Obi Cubana commented on his altercation with Iyabo Ojo and her lover Paulo still resonates in the judgment of many Nigerians. Without any scintilla of hyperbole, not a few Nigerians see him to be disrespectful and discourteous in his activism. Hence, there is an urgent need to advise him in this context to resort to balancing activism and respect.

In as much as it is laudable to say that he has gained prominence as an activist, using social media to address critical issues, it is also pragmatic in this context to condemn his characteristic manner of controversial remarks and insults which he usually spew against his elders, particularly as such remarks and insults have for the umpteenth times raised concerns. In fact, there is an urgent need for him to always be constructive in his criticism by eschewing derogatory language, and embracing respectful activism.

Again, the reason for advising him in this context cannot be farfetched as an ideal activism involves advocating for change. Given the significance of ideal activism, it is germane to urge him not to engage in personal attacks. Without a doubt, constructive criticism is essential for growth, but insults harm both the recipient and the cause. Therefore, VDM must strike a balance between passionate advocacy and maintaining respect for others.

In fact, it is expedient to note in this context that not only is he negatively influencing vulnerable youths who often idolize celebrities and activists. Given the foregoing, it is germane to opine that it is high time he embarked on self-reflection by meticulously choosing his words and actions as not a few people are confused concerning his brand of activism, particularly as some have been asking, “Is he promoting positive change or merely venting frustration?”

Against the backdrop of the foregoing view, and considering the fact that what an old man sees stooping would be difficult for him to see while standing, it is expedient to urge him to eschew the cantankerous habit of insulting people in his activism. The reason for the foregoing view cannot be farfetched as advocacy requires enlightenment and education. Therefore, it is germane to urge VDM to imbibe the habit of raising awareness without demeaning others.

Again, being a public figure, it is expedient to note that VDM can inspire his fellow youths by demonstrating respectful activism. Not only that, he should always have it at the back of his mind that as his influence extends beyond social media, and by choosing respectful activism, that he can create a lasting impact. Therefore, it is important he is encouraged to be a beacon of positive change, inspiring others to follow suit.

Most importantly, VeryDarkMan should not forget that activism is about lifting others up, not tearing them down, and it is hoped in this context that he embraces this message and continues to make a difference in a respectful manner.

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