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Is this why the establishment hates Nigel Farage so much?

Express UK 2024/10/5

Nigel Farage's Reform UK is the only party daring to put Britain's interests first, says Alex Story.

Many see Nigel Farage as anti-establishment (Image: Getty)

Nigel Farage and Reform are the only real alternative in the forthcoming election.

Before he joined the fray a few weeks ago, the British electorate was presented with no choice.

All parties, from the Conservative Party to Labour and the Lib Dems to the Greens, follow broadly the same policies.

For them, foreign affairs take precedence over domestic ones.

Our own preferences, as a people, do not feature at the top of our politicians' priorities.

Theirs are international ones. These, it turns out, are mainly those of special interest groups, way outside our purview.

As British subjects, we are not part of the conversation.

Over the last twenty years, all parties agreed on the fundamental direction of travel. They passed the Gender Recognition Act of 2004; the Climate Change Act of 2008; and the 2010 Equality Act, the latter introducing the apartheid-like politics of race into the body politic of the United Kingdom.

These acts, all self-destructive, were passed with no popular demand. Our three main governing political parties preferred grand-standing on the international stage than making us, the people of these Islands, more prosperous, more cohesive, more flexible, and better armed to deal with an unknown but forever challenging future.

The upshot has been mass impoverishment, stagnation and social dislocation. These laws, and more besides, destroyed productivity growth. There has been close to none since 2007.

The burden imposed on our societies, through increased regulation, transitioning from energy sources we have inherited, such as coal, gas and oil, to much more costly and less reliable ones, such as wind and solar, and absurd racial policies, masquerading under the rubric of “equality”, has meant that economic growth came mainly from one source: immigration.

Since 2000, we have added 10 million inhabitants to our country, close to a fifth more.

While immigration led to puny top line economic growth over the last 20 years, the British public saw a substantial drop in GDP per capital, a much more accurate measure of personal wealth.

We became 10% poorer per person since 2007 in nominal terms. In the meantime, our national debt grew by 600% to over £3 trillion, the equivalent of £83,000 per taxpayer. Given that the median salary is less than £30,000 per year, the latter is an astounding number.

In addition, the pound sterling lost over 63% of its value in the same period, according to the Bank of England.

In short, the millions of newcomers, in the main, are consumers not producers. Put another way, they are not paying their way.

The British Government created for itself and all of us a regulatory straightjacket in order to be seen as a good international player regardless of the domestic collateral damage.

All of us live in the wreckage their policies have inflicted on us. Like a crack addict, our leaders are unable to change habits.

Whichever party wins, we can expect more hypocritical and self-destructive regulation, more confiscation of family wealth for politicised redistribution, more “woke” self-flagellation.

This will all be funded by an increasingly pauperised and bewildered British subject, who can see his country being thrown piece by piece on the pyre of failed ideologies by our demented and amoral politicians and bureaucrats.

In comes Nigel Farage and his Reform Party.

By contrast to the suited automatons, who repeat their scripted lines against all facts and logic, he stands for domestic priorities ahead of international ones. That is why they loath him so much.

He, like the majority of us, wants to see decisions about our future made here on our soil by people with whom we share a commonality such as language, culture, history, religion and world view.

We want the United Kingdom to be sovereign and ruled for the benefit of our families with respect to our past so that we can pass on to future generations the jewel we inherited from our grandparents.

We also understand that should mistakes be made, these should be ours to own and rectify through our own institutions.

Supranational agencies should never take precedence over our very own.

His view of the United Kingdom is broadly shared.

For his undoubted patriotism, he has been attacked viciously and besmirched with the most horrid slander.

Recently, he was called a traitor for having the temerity of looking for cause and effect in foreign affairs.

Understanding the trigger for Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine requires intellectual exploration, humility and openness.

All historians understand that the field of international politics is complex.

To say that the decisions made by the west over the last quarter of a century played a role in Putin’s action is no more controversial than to maintain that the 1919 Versailles Treaty pushed Germany into a corner and led to her lashing out in 1939.

This position does not mean that one supports German aggression. It is paying respect to the world as it was and is while trying to understand it to ensure a more peaceful future.

Attacking Nigel Farage for his nuanced view on this topic is telling the British public that only the government view is acceptable: Ukraine good, Russia bad. Such a notion is intolerable in a free society and an insult to all of us.

Next we have the “undercover” actor, Andrew Parker, who came to prominence via a Channel 4 mockumentary produced by Lee Sorrell Media, a production company, to intensify the level of ad hominen on Mr Farage and distract from core issues.

If every party leader was put under scrunity because of the actions and words of their worst followers, Starmer and Sunak would be in deep trouble, given the number of criminals they have harboured in their ranks from Denis MacShane to Imran Khan.

Attacking Nigel Farage and all those who might vote for his party while giving a free pass to the main party leaders’ smacks of the most shameless hypocrisy.

As Nigel Farage said in his own defence. The incident was “a total and utter set up” and “was designed to hurt us, and sadly some people believe it". He added “I've even found now on TikTok this guy doing Alf Garnett type stuff”, which is the persona Andrew Parker rolled out on the streets of Clacton a few days ago.

Nigel Farage has been the subject of attacks on his character for decades so his intuitions are worth noting.

Until the Channel 4 “stitch up”, the paroxysm of anti-Nigel Farage hatred manifested itself in attempts at debanking him by Coutts and Natwest. This led to the resignation of Alison Rose and Peter Flavel for leaking personal data to a BBC journalist.

It is worth noting that Channel 4 makes no attempt at political impartiality. For its general election coverage the channel advertised Emily Maitlis, Cathy Newman, Rory Stewart, and New Labour spin-doctor in chief, Alastair Campbell. None of whom hide their hatred of people with conservative views.

Nigel Farage is the alternative to more of the same. There is no substantial difference between Labour, the Conservatives and the Lib Dems. All of them put foreign affairs ahead of domestic considerations.

It is high time we were led by men who put our domestic interests first, who believe that borders matter and who understand who we are.

Reform might not win on July 4th but with enough support it might provide some glimmer of hope to keep the flame of Britannia alive in the dark years ahead.

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