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People Born On THESE 5 Dates Are Known To Have Manipulative Traits

jagran.com 2 days ago

The intriguing old study of numerology explores the mysterious impact of numbers on our lives and personalities. It implies that some traits that influence our behaviour and inclinations may be gleaned from our birth dates. Numerology highlights an individual's strong attributes, but it also highlights undesirable characteristics, such as a tendency towards manipulation. Let us examine the manipulative characteristics linked to particular dates of birth based on numerology. 

People Born On THESE Dates Have Manipulative Traits

Number 1 

Born leaders and charismatic individuals with a Life Path Number of 1 might occasionally utilise these traits to control circumstances and people to further their objectives. They may be unrelenting in pursuing their goals due to their ambition and tenacity, even if it involves distorting the facts or taking advantage of others to succeed. 

Number 3

People with a life path number 3 are frequently persuasive and endearing speakers, which they may utilise to control other people. They can use talks to their benefit because of their wit and eloquence. 

Number 2 

Individuals with a Life Path Number of 2 are frequently sympathetic and emotionally perceptive, which gives them the ability to effectively control the emotions and sentiments of others. They could exert control over circumstances or influence people's decisions in their favour by using guilt or pity. 

As per numerological beliefs, people born on certain dates have manipulative traits. (Image Source: Canva)

Number 9

People with a life path number 9 can be incredibly altruistic and kind, but they can also exploit their selflessness to control other people's emotions or attract praise and recognition. 

Number 8

People with an 8 on their life path are frequently motivated by a desire for power and prosperity. They could coerce people into supporting their aims and objectives by using their tenacity and power. 

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