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“I’m not sure I’ll do a volume 2 of my memoirs”: Alain Juppé signing books in Caumes in Millau

bobrtimes.com 3 days ago

“I’m not sure I’ll do a volume 2 of my memoirs”: Alain Juppé signing books in Caumes in Millau

Alain Juppé, ancien premier ministre de Jacques Chirac et maire de Bordeaux, en dédicaces ce vendredi 28 juin à la librairie millavoise “Caumes des livres”. Midi Libre – F.MAYET

L’ancien Premier ministre de Jacque Chirac et maire de Bordeaux Alain Juppé a dédicacé son livre de mémoires cet après-midi du vendredi 28 juin à la libraire Caumes des livres de Millau.

The man is sitting behind a table where dozens of copies of his memoirs have accumulated: 400 pages for 40 years of political life. Alain Juppé, former Prime Minister of Jacques Chirac, mayor of Bordeaux, displays a studious relaxation. Pen in hand, he signs personal notes to those who ask for them among the shelves of the Millau bookstore Caumes des livres.

Sitting right next to him is his friend Jacques Godfrain, former deputy and mayor of Millau with whom Alain Juppé also shared a few cabinet meetings under the presidency of Jacques Chirac from 1995 to 1997. “I don't know Millau very well,” whispers Alain Juppé. “I had already been there for the inauguration of the Viaduct… how long ago ?" Almost twenty years.

After a photo with a young boy – the mother had the book signed – Alain Juppé says he simply wanted to, "write memories. From my childhood in the Landes to 2019." The year he joined the Constitutional Council to replace Lionel Jospin. “I'm not sure I'll do a volume two” the politician finally smiled before picking up his pen again and signing new copies of his “French History”.

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