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After churches and synagogue attacks! Dagestan to ban Niqab

albawaba.com 3 days ago

ALBAWABA - Dagestan is heading to issue a new Fatwa to ban Niqab across the Russian republic, the head mufti of Dagestan said on Monday.

Dagestan governor earlier hinted against covering face following the terrorist attacks that targeted churches and a synagogue last month.

Chief Mufti Akhmad Abdullayev said in a meeting with regional head Sergey Melikov: "The Muftiate of Dagestan will soon issue a fatwa banning the niqab." He added that despite the fact some would be annoyed by the decision, but he doesn't care. 

He noted: "My attitude towards people who will criticize me is neutral."

A proposal was made by Valery Fadeev, the head of Russia’s Human Rights Council to ban the Niqab in May after the Crocus City Hall attack, however, a new Fatwa is expected to be made to ban the Niqab, which is a type of headdress that covers the entire face, except for the woman's eyes.

RT reported last month that groups of militants attacked two churches and a synagogue in Dagestan, leaving over 20 people killed, including a dozen police officers.

The attack also left about 40 injured in Derbent and the regional capital of Makhachkala.

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