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The strangest behavior of animals

vocal.media 2 days ago

Strange information about animals

The strangest behaviors of animals Animals can be very amazing, and have some strange behaviors, and the following are the strangest behaviors of animals:

Goat fainted :
Goat fainting is limited to only a specific breed called the Tennessee goat (in English: Tennessee), named after the American state of Tennessee, which is the home of this type of goat. Fainting occurs in these goats due to stress, fear, or sudden movement. Fainting in Tennessee goats is a genetic condition that causes a defect that affects the skeletal muscles used in movement. When these muscles contract voluntarily to escape some danger, their relaxation can be delayed, making them rigid, and this completely paralyzes the goat’s movement, and this condition lasts for approximately 5-20 seconds only. Goats of this breed need two genes from the mother and father in order to exhibit fainting behavior, so when these goat breeds are crossed by mating them with other goat breeds, the resulting new generation usually does not suffer from fainting.

Spraying horned lizards for blood:
The environment in which horned lizards live in the North American desert contains many types of predators that pose a danger to them, so these lizards have a strange defense mechanism, which is spraying blood on the enemy from the sinuses and eyes, as the predator often flees in fear.This lizard has two muscles that line the blood vessels around the eyes. When it senses any threat, these muscles contract, blood flow to the heart stops, and its flow to the head continues, leading to its accumulation in the sinuses, and as a result of pressure, the sinus membranes rupture, and blood rushes from the eye for a distance of up to More than a meter. Horned lizards can release blood several times over a short period if necessary, but scientists have not fully discovered a mechanism to quickly replace lost blood.

Drinking male giraffe urine female giraffe:
The male giraffe drinks the female's urine to find out if she is ready to mate. Before that, the male hits the female several times until she urinates, then drinks her urine, and if she is ready to become pregnant, the male will taste a special flavor in the urine that indicates this, so he can try to mate.

Mites and butterflies drinking animal tears:
Moths and moths drink the tears of other animals such as; Mammals, crocodiles, and turtles, in order to obtain the nutrients found in salt, which these insects lack, and it is also believed that they do this to obtain the protein found in tears, since river water is rich in salt.Giving male spiders gifts to female spiders Some male spiders give gifts to females when they want to mate, and most of the time the male wraps the gift in silk before giving it to the female, and the gift is often an insect like flies, or a worthless gift, and since it is wrapped in silk, the female will not be able to know it. Until mating actually occurs.
Crows have held grudges against humans for years:
The crow can carry its hatred against humans for several years, and this was proven through an experiment conducted by scientists, who were wearing masks that hide their faces, and the scientists caught a number of crows, then released them, after which the crows continued to attack anyone wearing a mask over a period of several years. Although the scientists who conducted the experiment provided food and care to the crows when they captured them, and were peaceful with them, she considered them her enemies, and even told other crows about those who captured them, as they are very intelligent animals.

Elephants grieve for the dead: Elephants are known to be very emotional and sensitive animals when they die. They have special rituals related to death, so if a herd of elephants encounters the remains of a dead elephant, they stand silent at its corpse, then examine the remains to try to find out whether they know its owner.Another behavior that shows the extent of elephants' sympathy is that they hold burial ceremonies for their dead, and they also visit their dead at their burial site. When an elephant dies from the herd, the rest of the other elephants stand next to it, silent for several hours, during which they stop eating water and food.

Penguins release their droppings like bombs: Penguins can release their droppings over long distances, twice their body lengths, and scientists calculated the amount of force with which the penguin releases its droppings, and found that penguins can release their feces at a speed of 8 km/hour, to a distance of about 134 cm.

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