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‘Deadpool killer’ Wade Wilson’s changing face after tattooed monster appears totally different before death row sentence

newsfinale.com 3 days ago

AS Wade Wilson has made headlines after a jury recommended the death penalty for his brutal murders of two women, the cold-blooded killer’s changing tattoos peaked attention during his trial. 

Late last month, a jury recommended the death penalty for the Fort Myers, Florida native just weeks after he was convicted of the murders of Kristine Melton and Diane Ruiz. 

Wade Wilson has been convicted of murdering two women in Florida in October, 2019
Wade Wilson has been convicted of murdering two women in Florida in October, 2019
His face and neck tattoos grew massive attention throughout the trial as Wilson did not have as many when he was first arrested
His face and neck tattoos grew massive attention throughout the trial as Wilson did not have as many when he was first arrested
Kristine Melton was strangled by Wilson on October 6, 2019, after meeting him at a bar
Kristine Melton was strangled by Wilson on October 6, 2019, after meeting him at a bar
Diane Ruiz was Wilson's second victim when he strangled her and ran her over with Melton's vehicle several times
Diane Ruiz was Wilson’s second victim when he strangled her and ran her over with Melton’s vehicle several times

Wilson, 30, was photographed smirking in court as the jury read their recommendation, with various face and neck tattoos on display. 

Over the last five years, Wilson’s body art has drastically changed as seen in court and booking photos. 

He was first arrested over the murders in 2019 after Melton and Ruize, of Cape Coral, were killed in October of that year.

In his first mugshot, Wilson is seen having multiple neck tattoos, including one that read “bred for war” right below his chin. 

The convicted murderer soon increased his ink, as seen in images from early court appearances. 

That same year, court photos show Wilson with a large swastika tattoo drawn on the right side of his head. 

By the time he appeared in court again earlier this year, Wilson had added a number of other tattoos directly to his face. 

The new drawings include a smaller swastika below his right eye, the word “glory” etched onto his right temple, and a joker-like smile extending from either corner of his mouth. 

On the left side of his face, Wilson has extensive shading like a skeleton tattooed as well as the words “Ha Ha Ha.” 

He also now has what appears to be stitches tattooed around his entire mouth. 

Who is Wade Wilson and what was he convicted of?

Ahead of his trial, Wilson’s legal team filed a motion to allow their client to cover his tattoos that may be “objectionable to members of the potential jury pool,” according to the New York Post

While his lawyers won the motion, most were still visible during jury selection and the trial itself. 


Wilson has been dubbed the “Deadpool killer” as he shares the same name of the Marvel anti-hero.

Last month, Wilson was convicted of killing Melton and Ruiz just hours apart in October, 2019. 

Wilson, then 25, killed Melton by strangling her as she slept in her bed. 

Melton, 35, and her friend Stephanie Sailors had met Wilson earlier that night at a bar in Cape Coral. 

Wade Wilson case – An overview

Who: Wade Wilson, 30, from Fort Myers, Florida.

Crime: On June 12 found guilty of two counts of first-degree murder, grand theft, battery, burglary, and petty theft.


  • Kristine Melton, 35, worked as a waitress and lived with her friend in Cape Coral, Florida.
  • Diane Ruiz, 43, was an engaged mother of two who worked as a bartender in Cape Coral.

When: Both women were killed on October 7, 2019. Wilson was 25.


  • Melton was strangled in bed as she slept after meeting Wilson at a bar with her friend Stephanie Sailors. After murdering Melton and wrapping up her bruised and broken body, he stole her car.
  • Hours later, he targeted Ruiz who was walking to work. He lured her into the car after asking for directions to a local school. They then fought in the vehicle, the mother attempted to flee and he strangled her, beat her, and repeatedly ran her over.

Defense: Mental illness and drug addiction. Forensic psychiatrist Dr. Mark Mills claimed Wilson suffered from “some kind of psychotic disorder.”

Jury Ruling: On June 25, the jury voted 9-3 and 10-2 in favor of the death penalty for the two murders.

Sentence: Judge Nicholas Thompson will sentence Wilson on July 23 when he will decide on imposing the death penalty.

Only hours later, Wilson killed Ruiz, 43, after luring her into Melton’s car that he took. 

While Ruiz attempted to get away, Wilson estranged her and pushed her out of the vehicle before running her over around 20 times. 

During the disturbing trial, Wilson’s father Steven Testasecca revealed that his son “excitedly” bragged about the murders. 

“He said that he pulled her out of the car and realized she was still breathing,” Testasecca said of Wilson’s remarks about Ruiz’s murder.

“He said he got back in the car and ran her over until she looked like spaghetti.”

While the jury has voted in favor of the death penalty in both murders, Wilson has yet to be sentenced. 

Judge Nicholas Thompson is set to pass down a sentence on July 23.

Wilson is set to be sentenced on July 23
Wilson is set to be sentenced on July 23
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