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Should Digital Employee Engagement Tools Really Be All The Rage?

Forbes 2024/10/5

Shannon Gabriel is Vice President of Leadership Solutions at TBM Consulting, a global operations and supply chain consulting firm.

Employee engagement has reached an 11-year low after declining steadily since 2020. This is happening at the same time that the market for employee engagement solutions grew by more than 15%. Clearly, there’s a disconnect.

HR leaders know a great workplace culture is largely determined by the relationships we have with one another. So if human interaction is so important for company culture, why does anyone expect software to be a suitable replacement?

I’m not saying AI and automation provide no advantages when it comes to HR processes. For example, generative language tools can be extremely helpful for crafting more-attractive job descriptions that resonate with candidates. But genuine employee engagement needs more than digital solutions.

Here are five reasons you might want to focus on the human element when it comes to engaging with candidates and employees.

1. The impression you set at the hiring stage is critical.

Despite digitizing the hiring process, organizations still struggle to find the right candidates. When recruiters rely too heavily on automated résumé scanning tools that look for specific keywords, they might miss high-quality candidates whose résumés are better understood by human reviewers. These tools also encourage keyword stuffing, which means the results will likely prioritize candidates who know how to manipulate the system.

Additionally, one-sided digital interviews are becoming a turnoff. One C-level executive I know had a first interview with a potential employer that required uploading a video of herself doing a solo presentation. There was no conversation or interaction—just her talking head. On top of that, she only got two chances to get it right. This felt wildly impersonal to her. So while she got an offer from that company, she declined it in large part because of the vibe set by this hands-off approach.

It's vital to remember that the recruitment process is what sets the tone for the entire employee experience. If you won’t take time to engage with candidates directly during recruitment, they may assume you won’t make time for them once they’re part of the organization either.

2. Digital feedback tools can discourage authenticity.

Oftentimes, engagement surveys are designed to solicit anonymous feedback, but employees can be skeptical of how anonymous they really are. One HR director told me even she was apprehensive about filling out her corporate survey honestly for fear of repercussions.

The other issue is that, in many organizations, these surveys are simply performative. HR shares the results with management, but no changes are made. When employees see these surveys as another pointless task, your culture takes a hit.

Instead of wasting time on automated surveys, actually talk to your employees. Walk the floor, and ask them how things are going or whether there’s anything they need. A boots-on-the-ground approach will give you far more insight than any survey because when teams feel that you genuinely care, they'll be more comfortable bringing up difficult issues.

3. Automated performance reviews miss key opportunities.

When organizations use automated performance review platforms, the process becomes more like a checkbox exercise. Leaders stick to the script, which leaves little room to discuss anything important that goes beyond the prompts. While this is certainly faster and easier, they’ll miss out on valuable feedback from their team.

An automated review process can also make employees feel like just another cog in the machine. Consider how it would feel if your leader didn’t take time to actually discuss your performance. It’d be easy to assume they don’t care or recognize your commitment. And if that’s the case, would they even miss you if you were gone?

Face-to-face reviews—even over a Zoom call—are essential for constructive conversation, coaching and feedback. Taking time to talk with employees demonstrates your investment in them as valued members of your team.

Additionally, the most effective reviews include two-way feedback. Leaders should ask their team for input with questions like "What should the company do differently in the second half of this year?", "What changes would you implement?", "What frustrations are you hearing about from colleagues?" and "What are we doing well, and what should we continue?"

4. Personal acknowledgment is more meaningful.

Apps that allow leaders to send “shout outs” to employees who rack up badges on a leaderboard sound fun and efficient. As a leader, if I can blanket 30 people at once with a gold star or “Great job!”, I can save time while showing recognition.

But these apps ultimately lack meaning because they’re so easy. I'd argue one of the most valuable uses of a leader's time is to personally recognize an employee for a job well done. High fives and fist bumps also take no time, but they do a lot more to help build relationships that foster commitment, pride and loyalty.

5. True connection trumps time saved.

I get it. We’re all so busy, and anything that promises to speed things up or take work off our plate seems like a no-brainer. This is what makes digital and automated solutions so attractive. The problem is that when these tools fail to improve engagement or culture, companies are quick to blame employees—"They’re just lazy, don’t want to work and have a poor attitude."

In a tough labor market, we can’t afford to get it wrong when it comes to engagement. There's no substitute for human connection, so if you’re considering digital tools, you must set reasonable expectations and recognize their limitations. Think about whether the solution will fit into and support your desired culture. By adopting something that integrates seamlessly, you're more likely to find something that enhances the connection between leaders and their teams, rather than hinders it.

While digital engagement tools can help in some areas, building a trusting relationship with employees is key to creating a welcoming environment. By communicating with employees directly, creating a safe space to provide feedback and spending time providing recognition, you'll be more likely to improve your culture and generate greater retention and productivity overall.

Forbes Human Resources Council is an invitation-only organization for HR executives across all industries. Do I qualify?

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