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Alleged Financial Recklessness: 72 Doctors Gather Signatures to Force Kogi NMA Chairman for Emergency General Meeting

kogireports.com 2024/10/5

No fewer than 72 medical doctors have signed a letter to force the Kogi State Chairman, Nigeria Medical Association (NMA), Dr Olusola Baoku for an emergency general meeting.

Some aggrieved doctors who spoke to our correspondent under the condition of anonymity accused Dr Baoku of alleged abuse of office, constitutional infractions, financial recklessness amongst others.

The doctors noted that under Dr Baoku leadership, NMA Kogi State branch has been divided and dragged to the mud for selfish gains. They said that Dr Baoku Olusola has been acting as if he is an emperor of the Kogi State NMA who is beyond the constitution of the association.

According to the aggrieved doctors, the embattled Kogi NMA Chairman has continued to cause crisis among medical practitioners, stressing that he has failed to give account of his financial spending of the association.

They explained further that barring any last minutes change, doctors have made up there mind to force Dr Baoku Olusola to a meeting to answer some questions, as they have lost confidence in his leadership, following the disgrace the association has gotten since he was elected as NMA Chairman in Kogi State.

“Doctors in Kogi State are fed up of the dangerous life style of Dr Baoku Olusola. Since he came on board as NMA Chairman, he has destroyed all the legacies of past leadership, divide members, dragged senior authorities to security agencies without committing any offence. Also, the same Dr Baoku Olusola who thinks he is untouchable has not been able to give account of his spendings concerning the finances of NMA.

“Moreso, members of his excos have lost confidence in him because he doesn’t carry them along. A few of them have resigned including the Auditor and the Vice Chairman of the association and Secretary. To buttress our point, most of his excos members are resigning because of his oppressive style of leadership. It will go down in history that Dr Baoku Olusola will be the worst Kogi State NMA Chairman to have led the most prestigious body in the medical profession.

“We don’t know why Dr Baoku Olusola is scared of calling a physical meeting. If he knows there is no skeleton in his cupboard, he should convey a physical meeting for doctors to discuss the State of NMA in Kogi State. As medical practitioners, we can’t sit and allow one Man completely destroy what has been laboured for years. God forbid.

“If he fails to convey a physical meeting, we will be forced to apply our constitution to remove him from office. Let Nigerians know today that we have lost confidence in the leadership of NMA in Kogi State. Dr Olusola Baoku has failed us and it is time for us to ask him questions. Over 90 percent of NMA members in Kogi State have passed a vote of no confidence on the leadership of Dr Baoku Olusola,” the doctors fumed.

The aggrieved doctors admonished members of the public to remain calm as efforts are in place to restore sanity to the already brutalized NMA in Kogi under Dr Baoku Olusola.

Efforts to speak with the Kogi State Chairman, Nigeria Medical Association (NMA), Dr Olusola Baoku for his response proved abortive as at the time of filing this report.

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